
I’m in the same boat in that io9 is the only one I really navigate to at this point.

While I certainly appreciate this post and I’m genuinely glad that the Splinter staff got to do a proper farewell post, the fact that it’s coming weeks after G/O Media and Jim Spanfellatio unceremoniously suffocated the site with a pillow, followed by decapitating their marquee site is just the goddamn perfect turd on

I’m assuming they think it’ll bring us back to the sites. I guess here I am, but I’m not going to b e hanging out over at Jalopnik or anything.

I’m even more amazed that comments are allowed.

I disagree that the commenting system sucks. What commenting systems out there are better? Disqus?* Umm...some other one?

Nikki Haley actually said “The people” should decide Trump’s fate, not a bunch of congressmen. Ignoring the fact that congressmen are elected by the people and responsibility for impeachment is in their goddamn job description.

I’m happy that Charlie Jane’s novel career is taking off, but her reviews were always my favorite part of io9.

I mean, io9 is already a shadow of what it used to be when it was its own independent site and not a subsidiary of gizmodo. Man remember when it did tv reviews??


How Splinter and Deadspin were handled was atrocious, the having Splinter go dead and having no announcement whatsoever was shitty on the part of Spamfiller and Madman. They should have dropped in a post like this when they pulled the plug.

RIP Splinter

Splinter was good. Gawker was good. Deadspin was good, when it wasn’t sticking to sports.

Shutting down the only dedicated politics website in your portfolio right before the 2020 election, one of the most consequential of our lifetime, kicks into high gear. Essentially shutting down the second-most highly trafficked website in your portfolio because one out of every twenty five posts rankles you. I’m not

This fucker has spent more than 200 days of his presidency at his golf courses, seen his properties’ profits Increase and most likely rolls Into the office at 11 a.m. Every day has been “one good day” for him and fuck Silver for even thinking that we have to pander to his BS to make him feel good, even for a day.

They fired Barry. So I guess it is time to start burning everything. 

Help me, I stuck to sports and now I can’t get all this sports off of me. Can you guys get Jolie Kerr to do an article about the best way to get sports off of a nice dress shirt?