Having hit 50, yeah, apparently I’ve been grinding my teeth / clenching my jaw for a few years, and it has resulted in a bunch of cracks in my teeth. One required a crown. (The process of which resulted in the dentist inducing vertigo, which is now a chronic recurring medical issue, hooray.) I’ve got other cracks…
I am partly identifying with this article, and partly feeling relieved that my case isn’t as bad as yours, Drew. I started having to use a night-guard last year, after my dentist said, “did you know you’re grinding your teeth in your sleep?” and I said, “how would I know that unless you told me?” (I loved how they…
Tom, I enjoyed following this column every bit as much as “A History of Violence”, so thank you for that! And I’ve been wondering what you might do next — I love the idea of looking at the highest-grossing pics of each year, no matter what film that turns out to have been. Can’t wait for the new series!
I hear you, but at this point last year, I did not expect Spider-Verse to turn out to be as transcendant as it was; or for Aquaman to become THAT popular. (I agree with Tom’s choice of BP here, but if he had chosen S-V, that would have made sense too.)
I mean, I agree with you that S-V is the more solid movie (and i loved BP too). But this column was never about the “best” superhero movie of a given year; it was about the “most influential”.
That’s just how it happens sometimes, though? Not for me, but my brother met his wife in high school, and 40 years later, they’re still happily married. (And they have a lot of traveling adventures together, as well as having raised kids and are now grandparents 6 times over.) It wasn’t the life I wanted for myself,…
(Coming to this very late, so am merely leaving this for posterity, and in case you may see it. :)
Counterpoint: the Vision is JARVIS, and we’ve known him for years, since the first Iron Man movie. In fact, JARVIS knows very well what he was doing when he picked up the Hammer, since, as JARVIS, he watched that scene at the party.
I mean, I too hope that their suit succeeds.
(fwiw, that’s the first thing I thought, too.)
Good god, THIS. It’s partly a function of the fact that in places that don’t normally get extreme cold, people don’t own winter gear needed to deal with it safely. Kentuckians don’t own the kind of gear that people in Minnesota own, for obvious reasons. And then add in the fact that POOR CHILDREN may not have…
I actually wanted the Rose Lemonade to be a bit MORE rose, but I liked it. For me, though, the winner is the Dandelion & Burdock. I find its taste odd and kind of earthy, and it’s hard to explain why I like it, but it’s somehow really compelling.
Saw that in the THEATER.
(Not to mention -- in retrospect, after Winter Soldier, how many of those guys were actually Hydra?)
I think I just read a headline that they’re actually doing this? Maybe not as “hosts” but for something?
Decoration. I have to assume. For my own peace of mind.
It’s not something that can be cured by policy... but if we had policies that addressed and tried to mitigate climate change, it might address some of the underlying issues that contributed. Unfortunately, that’s not a quick fix. (Even if new policies were adopted tomorrow — and they absolutely won’t be, by this…
25,000 executive/managerial jobs???? Twenty-five THOUSAND?
(I gently disbelieve that most of those 25,000 are going to be able to afford to live anywhere near the new Amazon sites. But who knows.)