Fits perfectly with Google's mantra "Don't be evil". No good could come of this.
Fits perfectly with Google's mantra "Don't be evil". No good could come of this.
@MifuneT: every time you torrent an episode Astor brings out an extra plate.
@Chrisizhigh: every time you torrent an episode Rita dies.
@Interstella5555: It blows to "find" a parking spot in a structure only to see that a smartcar is only really occupying 10% of it.
@Darklighter: the bottle caps have a wax protective layer for that very reason. I always tried to peel it off as a kid on sodas.
@McMike: it was actually suseJ
@92BuickLeSabre: I love MadLibs
@aja175: haha I didn't really think that one through. Just thought of blocking the signal altogether but that would get the trashman on my ass about being green. I could theoretically spoof the RFID signal and attach it to the inside of the can that way it looks like I'm recycling. I do recycle though, but I hate the…
I refuse to believe in new dinosaurs ever since they decided the triceratops wasn't its own species. I mean I could but then a couple years down the line I'd hate to discover this was a T-rex with Scoliosis.
@A Flock of Smegal's: I'd decorate mine with aluminum foil :)
@dcdttu: The problem with rooting is that only the tech savvy will even attempt to do so; Leaving tons of users stuck with bing and other bloatware. It's really unfortunate since the phone looks promising
@BRuddy: Building Kick! EXPLOSION!: I see what you did there
Kipkay; The voice of DIY
I've beheaded my share of electronics. And I do not regret it at all, I think the one that I felt the best about was the Motorola RAZR, everyone and their moms had that dumb phone
@MaNiFeX: I second that, I think its hilarious how if you look through the glasses, the piranha has the typical blank fish look, but if you look at the 3d glasses it makes the piranha look badass
I hate Cornell notes just because I was forced to take notes for a whole year like that in high school.
@walkingdogs: I, like many cake eating children only like cake for the icing
@Aethyr: not if things have a barrier of some sort that one must chip away at slowly until its down. Its stupid but thats the only plausible solution to that dilemma. I don't see anti-lightsaber armor really working out especially on NPC's.
@JohnnyricoMC: Hell of a relationship you got there huh?