@CE_Salesman: I can also do it with a watch and my finger. Point being is that he decided to think outside of the box and create something.
@CE_Salesman: I can also do it with a watch and my finger. Point being is that he decided to think outside of the box and create something.
@Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer: doesnt work on my CM 6 rc2 g1 either
@Sean Harrington: how does this man have a star?
Pojoman at xda beat Htc to it. It works perfectly although it was a pain in the butt to actually apply.
@Justin: I got the first one with 12 clicks. It could have been less but i was confused so i went back. Apple doesnt really have any links to the outside world.
@my name is jonas: no, its verizon's advertising of android thats responsible. If you look at any ad, it doesn't really promote any phone individually but android as a whole.
Motorola and Android are like oil and water. Sure both of them separately are awesome but they dont go well together. And I bet that Verizon will charge up the ass for this too
So I was like heck yeah, Im going to read this article and give it my full attention just to prove to myself that I can do it. Halfway through it I realized that I had a Burrito in my hand and was eating and reading... so much for full attention!
@mclark2112: it almost looks like a wrist strap, which would be awesome but painfully impractical to use as a phone without a proper bluetooth. Maybe I've played fallout 3 too much
@Ignignokt: who holds it like that during normal use?
I thought the title read Use Blu-ray to fix a printer... now I kinda wish someone came up with a method to do so.
@tomsomething: they did test it in this one xD
Way to go Canseco, trying to bring others down with you. This could have lasted 5 seconds. All Jobs should have done was come out with a box of bumpers and started to make it rain and say free bumpers to all iphone 4 owners
@nbergseng: boner inducing cum-phone that is.
@Lacara: sounds sexy.
@AoE: "Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things…
@comrade_leviathan: and her panties. Damn Frodo Baggins you nasty ass.
I was going to comment on how this saved me so much time after reading this earlier. But I probably invested more time than I would have if I wasn't so excited and commenting on this and then pushing cancel and then rewriting a new one. Thanks for nothing!
@_flatline_: Ziploc it!
@xCoolJackx: Its Moco