
It would appear that quite a few people have completely misinterpreted what you’re getting at here. I enjoyed it and am decidedly with LeBron on this. You can offer comfort and support, but you can never truly know what it is like to be another person and be inside their head. Or if anyone else is truly conscious for

Colin Kaepernick would have won at least 16 games for Jacksonville by now.

Shall Jacksonville become a land of no spice?

You blew a once in a lifetime headline.

Not sure how to get this to you otherwise since I can’t use my email while at work, but:

Not sure how to get this to you otherwise since I can’t use my email while at work, but:

“Is there a calculator for people who don’t live permanently in the year 1990 and do actual modern contract work as a sole-proprietor LLC?”

it’s also a quick way to identify people who are not able or willing to behave professionally.

People hate on it because it looks like homework text on a kindergartner’s math sheet.

Seriously. Some of my games with the HD textures take up close to 100GB per game. Limiting your storage and speed just seems foolish. All my favorite games are on SSD’s. I bet I could beat have of them before the loading screen even finishes on an Xbone or PS4.

The game being good or not is irrelevant.

rofl sub 30fps but hey! it’s 4k!

“Oh well...that’s our Donald! Get over it Libtards, you LOST!”

I don’t see Stanton leaving, especially since ownership is currently unable to afford a gift basket.

The best option really is to just stop watching or going to games. Let it die. It is not worth saving.

I wish every Masshole who treats Bob Fucking Kraft as if he were a saint; the guy who tried to move the team to fucking Hartford, the guy who was one of the first to legitimize Trump, the guy who more than anyone is why Goodell is commissioner, would line up and take turns eating my ass. Brady uses PEDs btw.

Best part of a separate Slate piece covering this charade:

Also: Karen Gillan in short shorts.

+1 rather just confessing to the murder

I may get some shit for this opinion...but I think Eli was very underrated as an SNL host.

A Porg on both your houses.