The Target in the Atlantic Center mall in downtown Brooklyn, NY is a hellmouth from which there is no escape other than the sweet release of death.
The Target in the Atlantic Center mall in downtown Brooklyn, NY is a hellmouth from which there is no escape other than the sweet release of death.
Bath & Body Works.
Of course, Kyrie thought he was speaking to a reporter from the Boston Rectangle.
This. I so want to see hip flip the fuck out and do something that will not only take him out of office but leave him babbling on the White House lawn in his underwear but make everyone who voted for him feel like an ignorant fuck. But I’m sure there’s a high price to pay for that.
Dusty Baker not knowing the basic tenets of baseball management? Shocking.
I remember when it came out...2007 was it? I would have been 45 then.
This is a man who I legitimately believe sharts himself at least twice a month.
Still the only thing on TV that makes me lose my shit no matter how often I see it:
While he was in with X-Pac, the best wrestler in the company at the time...
Still doesn’t top:
my Dad is a great guy and a great Pap
I have nothing to add except that Don’t Mess With the Zohan is a fucking weird movie that people should watch just so they can say “hey, this fucking weird movie actually exists.” I’m not saying it’s funny (it has some moments), but its tone and set-up and universe is bizarre throughout.
If the NFL crumbles from within because a 49er QB took a knee, I’ll be the smilingest motherfucker on the planet.
How insecure must these old bastards like Jerry Jones and Mike Pence be in their white privilege that the sight of a few black players kneeling silently during a song makes them so agitated that they cannot enjoy their greater privilege of undercompensated (mostly black) labor sacrificing their long-term health to…
If Jason Witten takes a knee, does Jerry bench him?
The NFL’s seemingly never ending race to the bottom steps it up a notch.
Let the motherfucker burn.
Oh god I so hope this is the opening volley in the labor battle that destroys the NFL
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