
Time to install a security camera and a new back door. Cause someone is watching you. 

My bf and i had just moved in together he had a nice apartment, his aunt owns the complex. One day this older couple decided to just pack their stuff and leave, my bf’s aunt told us we could move into their apartment. Since i was 2 months pregnant with twins and they had carpet, we decided to move in. As soon as i

So it’s 7:15 p.m. Pacific Time on 10/25/19. Either I’ve got a few hours left or I’ll be the first post for 2020.

OH MY GOD. I think I once toured that exact apartment in Boulder. My favorite (now former, I’ve moved away from CO) roommate and I were moving out of one rental and into another and checked out an apartment in a nice neighborhood broken into three units, where the front one contained the original features and the

Towards the end of college, my roommate, Ally*, and I moved into a new apartment. We wanted a place that felt more like a home. What we picked, though definitely that, was also weird. It was a ’60s, maybe ’70s, house in a nice neighborhood. On the outside, it looked like many of the houses in Boulder with exposed

I just remembered this one, I hope I’ve made the deadline!

I have so many but I don’t care, I’m posting. Here goes!

“Hello Senoritas” 

Okay so I don’t even know how objectively scary this is, but it is very true. Growing up my parents lived in a rural and fairly isolated area. I slept in the basement with my sister, and quickly learned after a couple times yelling for my parents about giant spiders that no one would ever hear me if I screamed. So...

I have a ghost kitty! She’s small and grey. I’ve only seen her in the house we live in now. My husband, mom and son have all seen her, too. We see her a few times a week. 

My first year of law school I got my first ever apartment. It was still student housing owned by the university and the size of a shoebox, but it was a huge upgrade from a dorm. It even came with a free landline phone and phone line (back when people used landlines to conserve cell phone minutes).

Have you thought about planting something like an elderberry or hawthorn tree/shrub along your property line? Both trees have a reputation for banishing/repelling evil spirits - the Elder tree is particularly good. The leaves and berries are used for protection and in breaking spells that were cast against you or to

A Souvenir From the Stanley Hotel

I don’t believe in ghosts. Not at all. For one thing, my family has owned a “haunted” hotel and restaurant for a century, and none of us have ever seen or heard anything supernatural. At this point, we’d actually like to experience the hauntings our guests describe, which include actual figures in period garb. I can

In 1992 I went out to dinner with a guy I had dated all through high school. We hadn’t stayed in touch in college, and it was the first time in a few years we’d gone out. I hadn’t been the best girlfriend in high school, and we had what seemed like a laugh about that. He said, “Honestly, I wouldn’t even consider you a

The cavernous, silent hotel lobby stretched out before me. I sat behind the front desk, quietly reading. I wasn’t sleeping but still felt jolted awake by the ringer. Room 212.

Bunch got cut off :( stupid connection

This is about me, and The Mimic. The Mimic is a demon-ish that I have know since I was 7. Like most occurrences things started small. Things going missing, mostly my parents or older brother. Then things were being moved, destroyed, defaced, usually in front of us. A family picture ripped off the wall, taking wall

This is by far— by FAR— the freakiest thing that has ever happened to me.

Back in the early 2000s I moved in with a now ex-boyfriend. He lived in a bungalow style house in one of the neighborhoods of a large midwestern city. This happened when I was taking a personal day from work after moving in to finish getting things arranged and unpacked.