
There’s only one thing that’s bugged me about Bowie and I don’t know why it wasn’t talked about after his death: In 1987 he was accused of rape, although the accusation was quickly dismissed. Now normally, I tend to believe the victim but the woman’s accusation was very strange; she said he bit her and told her he had

I mean if his son is a reliable source, he was probably one of the better rock dads.

I wouldn’t compare Bowie to Jackson. Michael Jackson was a habitual predator who ruined the lives of multiple children. I don’t know how innocent Bowie was but his relationship with Lori Maddox seems to have been a one off and was more a reflection of a sick culture (the 70s were pretty gross) than a sick person. I

It’s pretty clearly that “good” has little to do with his actual behavior. When they say “good man” they mean a white, typically Christian, married father from a “good” (well off) family. He seems like the right sort of person so he must be “good”.

I get that. Honestly, I don’t think they really care about exploitation. It’s about punishing other women for being the “wrong kind of woman”.

Honestly, I find the idea that sex work is inherently and uniquely exploitative ridiculous. Because under capitalism, what work isn’t exploitative? Why is it more demeaning for a woman to make money off of sex than any other form of labor?

These men are the same people who, half a century ago, would be the first to form a lynch mob when a black man was actually falsely accused of rape. They don’t care about the truth. Just that the “right” people stay in power.

If the Michael Jackson truthers are any indication they don’t even believe male victims.

And of fucking course her name is Karen.

Same with the Fourth Doctor’s last season.

Yeah, it’s probably good that he didn’t stay that long. He’s not the first actor to suffer from poor mental health while playing the Doctor. Read about Tom Baker’s tenure on the show.

I thought it was pretty obvious that Atwood was satirizing feminism as well as fundamentalism- specifically the type of second wave feminist that teamed up with the religious right to ban things like porn. Or like what TERFs are doing these days.

You know, I could be wrong but didn’t Billie Piper also suffer from anorexia at some point?

She’s popular. But she’s not a great writer.

I’m pretty sure Mariel Hemingway would beg to differ. Didn’t he invite her to go to Paris alone with him when she was still a teenager?

Because Prince Andrew is getting away with a horrible crime and Meghan hasn’t done anything wrong.

Yeah, but you gotta ask yourself why they’re focusing on Meghan and not say, Prince Andrew.

Yeah, mental level is a difficult thing to judge, but I’m the oldest of my siblings and often felt like the least mature. And autism (or Aspergers, there isn’t really a difference) would explain his diet. I can probably list the amount of foods I’m willing to eat on a single sheet of paper and most of it is junk.

The problem with “cancel culture” is that the people it aims to affect are rarely affected by it. Powerful and famous people can usually weather being “cancelled”. More vulnerable groups who rely on the internet for their primary source of income wind up being the victims. 

I’m not deaf and blind. I have the eating disorder this boy has- which so far hasn’t led to any major health complications fortunately.