
Who gives a fuck? Why is this remarkable at all?

Wow! Talk about your "low hanging fruit" mentality. What next, they had sex in the Lincoln bedroom while the Ghost of Lincoln watched?

Probably the next cover of Vanity Fair.

I don't understand how, even in '63, there would be anything scandalous in a married couple having sex.

This comment Teblowed.

"You call that blood spatter?" – Aaron Hernandez

Pictured: What Sarah Palin Thinks Her Orgasms Look Like

Rocky start to Erotic asphyxiation awareness night.

That is hands down the most relatable story I have ever read on Gawker media as an ulcerative colitis, leoanal reservoir (j pouch), and now Crohns survivor. My heart breaks for you buddy! I can easily imagine.

Yes. I'm clearly a troll. Do you always resort to name calling when you fail to prove a point? Judging from your spelling mistakes (subsiziging?) and poor grammar I'm guessing GED perhaps? You're clearly a valuable member to American society who has just fallen on hard times these last two or three decades? Pity

Still bitter over the rejection.

I bet that now everybody who condemned Sandusky feels pretty fucking stupid. Through his charitable works, these "victims" of his now have a secure financial future. He was so dedicated to helping these kids that he was willing to rape them and then go to jail for the rest of his life, just so that they could have

My heart totally breaks for everyone involved in this story - the people who have 40K to spend renting a house, the landlord who owns a house in an exclusive, expensive real estate area... So much injustice suffered on each side, for both of these people.

Easiest blind item EVER you guys...