
This article is implying that bad breath shouldn't be a concern and that Listerine isn't needed. As a dentist I can tell you the author doesn't know what she is taking about. Sure, no one used to practice oral hygiene, but a majority of people used to be in dentures by the age of 50. If you want to go back to the good

Regarding your point C: I think that on a subconscious level Tyrese sort of wanted to die. Call it suicide by walker. I think that was the point some of the hallucinations were trying to make: that Tyrese doesn't want to compromise in order to survive but in order to survive he would have to eventually compromise part

One female zombie breaks through and heads straight from Tyreese, and it's crazy because no one seems to notice it, but then Rick sees it but shoots it in the shoulder and it's still coming and then Rick finally gets it in the head. Well done, TWD.

Powerful episode...

The only thing that bothered me about this episode was how they just suddenly decided to go to Virginia, hundreds of miles away, and they got there with no issue. As far as we know, they didn't run into any hostile humans, they didn't pick up any new group members, etc.

Reddit is saying that was Andrew Lincoln's real voice/accent on the radio. If so, nice touch.

BENGHAZI in wingdings... Which I interpret to read: Look, it's ok: death. Whether north or south, peace through Islam. High five!

Since 2012 (when Wilson became QB). Seattle has had 1st or 2nd and Goal from 1 or 2 31 times (regular and post season). The results:

What about the crews of Soyuz 1 (Vladimir Komarov) and Soyuz 11 (Georgiy Dobrovolsky, Vladislav Volkov and , and Viktor Patsayev)?

I remember our teachers gathering us around and marching us down to the gym to watch the Challenger launch since one of our teachers was a runner up to be part of the crew. It was a bad assembly.

I remember being very little in Kindergarten seeing Challenger on TV due to the teachers in space program. What a sad day.

YEAH! And if Steve Jobs was still alive, they'd have like... like... ELEVENTY TWELVE BILLION!

It's always cute to hear people talk about things that are impossible to know.

Despite that fact that he signed off on the initial design work? That's a tough argument to make.

You wound up giving all these sites the clicks they desire. In this instance, you probably should have just shown screencaps of example articles and let people fend for themselves if they're curious.

This is expectation management. They know first adopters read these types of news sites, so they leak info to set an expectation, then they'll beat it when they release it. I bet it'll get 6 hours active use, but who's gonna stare at their watch for 6 hours at a time?

Well, yes.

Ah, you take me back to a more innocent time, when the prospect of Gwyneth Paltrow's severed head in a box was a horrific thing and not something that most people would be in favor of if it would finally shut her up...

Kevin Spacey wakes up in bed next to Gwyneth Paltrow's head, and finds out it was all a dream. It's hilarious!