
Since 2012 (when Wilson became QB). Seattle has had 1st or 2nd and Goal from 1 or 2 31 times (regular and post season). The results:

Also, actually contracting the flu just about guarantees four or five days of absolute misery. Fortunately, most people who think they've caught the flu are really only experiencing the minor symptoms of an insignificant viral attack, like a minor head cold or a stomach bug. If you actually contract influenza this

Many are saying, "I'm not a baby or elderly so I don't need it!" Be warned that some flu strains will kill YOU first.

You know who has a high rate of fatality from influenza? People older than teenagers. Don't forget, senior citizens are at a higher risk than the average adult. But even knowing that won't make you feel any better if you get the flu, give it to your nana, and she dies from it.

You and I can get the flu, take a couple days off work, and be right as rain. The problem is that we're contagious before realize we're sick, and can pass that along to someone who *is* in a high risk group

Good point. But like all vaccinations, when you are immunized against an infectious disease, you are helping to prevent its spread to others. I have patients that don't vaccinate and I don't harass them for it or guilt them, I just think a lot of people don't see the big picture. Again, like wearing a seatbelt, any

Except that, unlike with Ebola or HIV, the vast majority of people who contract the flu don't die from it or even require hospitalization. If you're not in a high risk group (elderly, children, etc.) the potential ineffectiveness of the vaccine is something that can rationally be weighed as part of a cost-benefit

You're not a monster (or are you...? :). But by you getting the flu shot, you help spread herd immunity. Fewer healthy people with flu means fewer immunocompromised people with flu. Also, as I mentioned in another post, you are likely at low risk of dying from influenza, but think about it like wearing a seatbelt. You

The most important thing is: get a flu shot. Everyone should get a flu shot. Everyone. Even if the scientists miss their guess. We can't control that but every single person should get a flu shot. That's all there is about it. I'm glad you put that line in all caps.

If you get the flu shot and it works for you, it actually does prevent you from getting the flu illness. When your body comes into contact with the influenza virus, your immune system prevents an in infection. There might be a few viral particles hanging our for a bit, but they never have the chance to cause a

I'm an MD and deal with this issue/conversation daily. 48% may be below our expectations, but imagine if we had an Ebola or HIV immunization that effective. At risk people would be lining up to get it. The thing about influenza is that a lot of people don't think they're at risk (e.g. all the "I only get sick once

Here's a question that I haven't necessarily seen an answer for.

"Impossible doesn't mean very hard. Very hard is winning a Nobel Prize, impossible is eating the sun." - Lou Reed