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    Which studies? Like, cell phones do/don't cause brain tumors in your balls again?

    Where are the bars that connect to the underside of the cabinet so you can watch your gimped videos while tossing a salad in 1996?

    I s'pose if the driver can survive a tsunami hit, he can be excused for driving and taking video at the same time.

    Should I buy this or a cheaper iPad 1?

    The only thing I see wrong with this is the inevitability that some kids will develop psychological issues about poo. But, at the same time, a lot of them are developing agoraphobic notions that they'll die if they go outside.

    At first I thought displaymate.com sounded vaguely pornographic. I had to check it out after your layout comment. You're very right. It's absolutely horrendous. Even by 1995 standards.

    I understand it's the worst in history. The idea that something worse can't happen just seems bizarre. For example, it seems conceivable—however unlikely—that two reactors could be taken down at once by disaster, terrorism, etc. It'd still be a level-7 incident because each level is 10x worse than the one below it,

    He's talking about the 80s as a magical, magical time. Wow.

    If the Black-Eyed Peas are now stuck in that Zune spiraling out of our solar system a la Superman, bring on the reaper.

    There are too many incongruous design details; the whole thing just looks messy. I think if I were to have seen the exploded view alone first I'd have been even more disappointed by the image on the left, which is rendered differently for who-knows-what reason.

    Is Chernobyl really the worst that can happen? I've just assumed something worse is possible, like in the direction of—but not all the way to—The China Syndrome.

    Anyone know how easy (or difficult) it is to enable airplay in an app you've designed? I'm wondering how quickly the selection will grow from the 17 current apps.

    Is this the era of single-song contracts that result in a quick flash of downloads? An artist only gets more than one song if s/he scores a hit on the first try?

    It's in the settings; mine gets the time from the network and the alarms still worked.

    I echo the other comments: where is this happening? Is there a specific type of setting on the alarm (i.e. recurs x number of days)? I have 3 recurring alarms for weekdays, and they all worked fine for me this morning [in Colorado].

    I design cases and this cover pricing is actually a pretty good deal for both Apple and the consumer.

    Answers.com, where the questions are posted with ads and without answers.

    It doesn't seem to work with Firefox 3.6 and Google SSL beta.

    Because Two and A Half Men has always sucked.

    Good call—though I'd had a catastrophic hard drive error. ;-)