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    Is there any data to support the ergonomics claim? It seems to elevate the front edge of the keyboard ~1cm, which doesn't seem like enough to do anything.

    @EBone: Off topic, I <3 your avatar.

    @rev02: Super Mario Galaxy 2 was released in this window. I think.

    @TheFu: Agreed. If the annoyance is enough to compel me not to vote for the candidate, then the annoyance isn't minor.

    @Captain Fish, PhD (c): It is James Cameron, though. How many people can say they added to the Alien and Terminator mythologies without eff'ing them up?

    Double listing, different links:

    @Link2187: Is Nook really about that in the long run? E-ink seems more like a Kindle mainstay.

    The undertone, though, is that one could build a sense of accomplishment by not having to do anything. No?

    Graffiti and phenomology kinda goes against this, no?

    @timgray: That's actually a good thing to know—I'm not sure I'd think to report it.

    @kettlewhistle: I need your power to turn a nickel into $1.50. :-)

    @John: Thanks for the link.

    iTunes season passes fail me more often than not, requiring me to repurchase the episode and then ask for a refund. And then customer service scolds me for not "checking for downloads" after I've checked for downloads multiple times on multiple devices.

    @Bisnicks: Wouldn't everyone then be able to return their iPhones under Apple Care for a new-one-sans-antenna-problem?

    Can't you just pay $5,000 to confirm the rumor?

    Don't you need to be famous and successful to be considered a star?

    @Hvedhrungr: After you've done all that, don't you have to shout, "Go, now!" urgently to the 911 caller, like in every movie scene in which someone needs to go for help?
