Eric P

Too late. She’s an asshole, and has been one for a while. This is probably not even her final asshole form.

It's telling that rich, famous and powerful people react so badly to the idea that they might lose all that and be treated like a normal person. Even though that rarely happens.

Let’s take a quick look at some supposedly “Cancelled” people:

It’s because he knows he was at best a moderate and not a liberal.  I don’t know why he’s worried about it though.

Glad I’m not the only one who saw this as caping for Joe Biden without saying his name.

And frankly, who needs that kind of political scolding when there are Nazis in the White House?

How brave of Barack Obama to spout right wing talking points and condemn something only shithead conservatives with a persecution complex believe exists.

Not a popular opinion, but i’m not overly impressed. I’ve always resented his tendency to talk down or condescend to the left, especially toward black people. Remember how Jesse Jackson went off on him (“I wanna cut his nuts off”) for that tendency? It was a well deserved scolding. I think Barack should aim that kind

Barack, we still ain’t voting for Joe Biden in the primaries when the rubber hits the road. Also, you can stop with the right-wing framing of “cancel culture.” You can “get over” that. Quite frankly, we are where we are, right now, because we’ve tolerated too much bullshit, not because we didn’t tolerate enough.

This is some bullshit. 

So the Black man in the Dragon Ball Z t-shirt with no criminal record was secretly El Chapo? And niggas from Louisiana drove 4 and a half hours for some weed???

Also, that is a heel that has shoes.

Looks like someone doesn’t skip leg day.

that is not a shoe that is a heel.

Investigation...by the police?

Yep. Tried them both, and memojis reappear the next time the keyboard is opened.

Neither of these do anything to disable or even hide Memojis. This is some clickbait nonsense.

I’m going to leverage your thought leadership when we ideate our next ecosystem disruption. I think a deep dive initiative will help unpack the core competencies needed to move the needle on our deliverables. Hopefully, it will incentivize engagement among key players. I’m out of pocket right now, so I can’t drill

No prob, but sorry for the long rant. I said I wasn’t gonna respond to anybody else, but obviously I was in a bad mood and did. Oops.

Lets hope openly actually means truly openinly and not some up to interpretation, easily cut or/and redubbed, throwaway scene so the foreign censors can cut it out. Those things are just cheap ways to claim diversity without actually making it a proper part of the character’s motivation. Out, proud, and explicit and