
Georgia is also a stand your ground state. I think the difference here is less ‘stand your ground’ and more the fact that multiple witnesses watched her chase him down, pull out the gun, attack him, and then needlessly shoot him

I think it’s fair to say that was Florida prior to desantis. Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin before desantis was elected.

He did say “impossible for me”. That is basically the same as saying that he wont do it with those constraints. If electric vehicles are going to be embraced by the masses the infrastructure needs to be greatly improved. Until it is, a lot of people are not going to feel comfortable with it and it will not be wide


I don’t know the MR2 market well, but given what I know about other ‘90s and early 00's Japanese sports cars, I assume the turbo carries a hefty premium. Like, double. Because otherwise it’s just a slow old car that looks cool.

Congratulations, you just wrote the wiki article on confirmation bias.

A late model car is not an investment vehicle, its value doesn’t go up and down and up and down.

now THIS is the pedantry i come here for

The series’ premise is that the only way to save a galactic empire from collapse is to fight against its establishment”

Those wheels are sweeeeeeettttttt

I love how every Biden scandal are literally just stories of him being a good dad

Why does anyone buy a Raptor? 

The one true Vision.

At least where I’ve lived, the bigger thing they need to do is to enforce no driving for people that have been banned from driving.

Your complaints about the McLaren F1 really look like you just wanted to include it for rage bait and then came up with reasons after the fact. Surprised you didn’t use it for the header image. Really drive those clicks!

Re: that 911

“Sometimes, 23 days is all you need.” - A GameStop executive, probably.

Stopping a runaway modern vehicle from the passenger seat, especially one with upscale options, tends to bring things like no manual parking brake lever... newer “loaded” cars tend to have emergency brakes that are electrically actuated with a switch. If you turn the runaway car off (one of the best options for a car

The tax man cometh for those delicious capital gains. The wife’s lawyers are coming for the rest.