
I read something just two days ago that said that nobody really believes this is where the brass monkey phrase came from. It said an awful lot of etymology attributed to navy stuff isn’t backed up by evidence. It’s weird that this blog post dropped this week too.

I assume I’ll be a little disappointed that the R3X will turn out to be bigger than I really want but then still buy one. If Rivian has a better reliability reputation by the time it comes out. Apparently, they are kind of heaps of shit?

F Type tho.

Here’s another oversimplification. A Hershey bar cost 25 cents when I was a kid. Now it’s 2 dollars. Is it because there is a chocolate shortage? No. Inflation operates outside of supply and demand. That’s why there’s a different word for it. Gouging is not the same thing as inflation. Supply/Demand is not the same

Gouging is not the same thing as inflation. 

Inflation operates outside of supply and demand of products. That’s why it’s called inflation instead of supply and demand. Educate yourself, moron. When money is given away without price controls, suppliers simply raise their prices, whether there are shortages or not. 

Of course it was. Giving away money without price controls will always result in inflation, and always has.

Are you sure you know what inflation is? it’s not the same as shortages.

Do headliners still fall down from smoking cigarettes in the car?

Either way, ND because I don’t want to do business with this asscrack.

Well about half of the US used to think EVs were hippie bullshit but suddenly thinks buying a Tesla is the best way to show loyalty to our Dear Leader. Musk should call the price increase The Orange-Noser Tax.

eh, the last bout of inflation was caused by all of the money that was given away during the covid pandemic.

100% with you on this. I would bet the Integra S will be offered with an automatic in a couple of years. But I’m leaving the west coast for a road salt ice and snow kind of area and that makes me want both a different type of vehicle and one that costs less.

The paint looks great. Best exterior of a Corrado that I’ve seen in probably 15 years. Also, ND.

There may have been existing utilities or structures to dodge around. Or they were super high when they bored it out.

I think that’s a zero. It does look like it could be a 1, but the ends of it are curved, I think it’s a trick of the light.

“Yeah, but Bill. He died in the accident. Nobody survives a hard bump in these deathtraps. Why would they put a cast on a dead guy? Completely ruined the wake.”

Posing is an automatic ND from me. But also when a hood and bumper have been replaced I suspect it’s been wrecked.

The computers are failing, and it’s nearly bricking some owner’s Tesla’s.

A tighter anus is still an anus.

Eh, that’s the upper limit of what they can spend. Not what they are looking to spend. This is higher than their top end and I really don’t think it’s their intent to spend 50k on a used EV.