
Why the Jackson Police Department never told her they knew her son was dead despite her many calls, it’s still not clear.

An Abarth? Really? I know three people with these. Talk about love/hate relationships. They love the handling and fun, they hate the downtime and repair bills. These things live in shops like gamers live in the basement. 

1. That thing is hideous.

“Hey Bob, you left the lights on in your spaceship!”

more like it shows how overpriced they were before.

Buy a sheep in wolf’s clothing?  ND.

Starfield honestly lacked the charm of skyrim or fallout. I think it was mainly an issue in how you traveled. It was all insta-teleport which removed most of the exploration wonder that it could have been.

A federal violation doesnt mean anything if it’s effectively not enforced by anyone.

Afaik Euro standards are higher than US standards. US standards are just different takes on the same philosophy in some instances, resulting in mismatched safety outcomes. We need harmonization between both.

If the production version looks anything like this, that’s a pretty solid looking crossover.

The new Chrysler 200?

Not sure if worth the $2K, but I think it looks rather nice.

SUV? My eyes see Station Wagon🤔

It’s a little weird to me that the person who bought it chose white (the color that is free for the base trims), when they could have picked any color they wanted with the Ocean One launch edition. A lot of people got the matte blue, which looks really cool - like satin. The only reason I didn’t get that is that matte

Hopefully I can flip my Elio for big bucks when it arrives 


I can’t believe the wrecked one as shown on screen wasn’t a mock up.

In fact, after EV sales reached a high of 7.8 percent of new car sales in America, Automotive News reports that this has dropped to 7.7 percent in September,

I find it’s better to think of it as how much interest you’re paying over the term of the loan, not based on what you’re paying monthly.

No really, he knows the city well. He said he’s “been there once” and said you cannot “take more than a few steps downtown without having to dodge piles of human shit”. Somehow despite all my trips downtown I must have missed the trendy Shit District that all the Fox viewers seem to find.