
I’m glad he’s making fit a priority. I don’t really care how many Cybertrucks they build or sell, as long as they use what they learn to improve their other products. Somehow, I still trust that braying jackass to do that.

To be fair, almost nobody bought one.

Recently I saw one of these slightly lifted. With the right wheels, they look really good. If there’s no rust and the AC is strong and I was going Stealth Homeless, I’d buy it. NP.

I’m glad I scrolled before posting it.

oh fuck ford. outer banks was the cheapest way to get the lux package. i’m out.

That’s true, but it doesn’t mean that much against the Civic’s reliability. I’d expect to get another 100k trouble-free miles out of one with 60k miles on it. Or at least I’d be willing to gamble it to drive a Civic instead of a Mirage. It’s not a no-brainer, but I’d still probably go with the Civic unless Mitsu was

You can’t get one from Central or South America for 13k. There are a couple of companies down there that snatch them up, fix them up, and ship them up and they charge a lot.

I regret selling my Element. The only issues I had were shoddy entertainment assembly (loose speaker mounting screws and bad grounds) and multiple front bushing replacements.

I saw the newest gen at a car show last year and it left no impression on me whatsoever. I resented that I had to walk around it to see interesting cars, it was just in my way.

I’m happy to hear that the Renegade might not be a heap of shit. They are as cute as buttons but I trust Fiats even less than real Jeeps.

That’s been an issue in TX for decades. I paid extra for coverage against getting hit by an uninsured driver when I lived there and had to use it twice.

that too.

You’ve hit on it. The cheapest new cars’ competition is nicer used cars. I’d buy a 4 or 5 year old Civic with 60k miles on it before I’d buy a new Mirage.

this is the first aston that i don’t like the looks of. i think it’s too tall in the front? maybe the grill is too big like on BMWs? something is off about the front end, it’s not elegant.

submit them for NP/ND then, let’s see these “comps”.

i sure love this one, but buying it’s a terrible idea. just terrible. it’s close by, for my own sake i’m glad it’s not $9500.

you guys need to stop it. there’s no such thing as a 2500 dollar car that runs. put this post next to your nickel candy bar.

Ahhhh, thank you. I didn’t understand the question because the new LC looks gigantic to me in pictures. If it’s 4Runner sized, I might actually like it in person.

Seconded. I’m GenX and I lived in fear that an uncle would buy one of these and I’d have to hear him talking about it.

If I wanted one of these, this would probably be the one. I still think it’s priced a little too high.

I’m your huckleberry. Though as with all mid-to-late ‘70s cars, I’d prefer a slightly older model that doesn’t have ugly assed bumpers. Or one that’s had a euro-bumper swap.