
incoherent babble. your definition of poor is uninformed. your definition of class is laughably incorrect. your father was absolutely working class. your quotes are utterly irrelevant. are you trying to say that white males aren’t working class? do you think comparing a median to an average is a new trick? working

ok but for this to matter we’re not really talking about an emergency. we’re talking about an apocalypse. and i’ve already decided i’m going to be a zombie, not a Daryl.

i found the size acceptable, but i’ll never own something that slow again.

i live in the US and i owned one of these. the size was ok for me. but it was terribly slow. for a couple of years it was the least expensive vehicle you could buy in the US that had adaptive cruise. i soured on it when the CVT needed replacement at 75k miles. i didn’t think it was ugly, but i accept that my taste is

i think part of the problem is that you think working class means poor. the working class are people that live off of selling their labor rather than capital gains. and we aren’t all living in poverty. another part of the problem is that affordable means obtainable without going hungry or having to sleep in the bed of

wow..you’re exciteable aren’t you?

financing. people have been borrowing money for thousands of years. it’s not your place to project your priorities on to others. and your definition of working class is hilariously out of date.

working class people buy new trucks every. single. day.

i didn’t miss the point, i reject it. working class people buy new trucks every single day. don’t straw man me with that every truck is a King Ranch bullshit. shittier is not better. power windows aren’t a luxury that screws working people out of their livelihoods or condemns them to 4th hand vehicles. a nicely

so? i don’t care about what you need or think other people need. i’m talking about want. motor vehicles have never been about need. enough of that bullshit too.

Working-class people deserve to be comfortable, too. A shittier truck isn’t a better truck, enough of this bullshit.

i arrived in Sydney just today for some work training. what makes the Mad Max cars believable is that they are already built and on the streets in Australia. the apocalypse just made them dusty.

it’s pretty good looking for a CUV and it has a little more hp than most in the segment. but i don’t think that’s enough for this to make a splash in the US. Seems like the type of person that might consider a Chinese Buick would also consider the Dodge Hornet. I don’t think the Envista is luxurious enough to outweigh

weren’t there stories just this year about dealerships not allowing buyouts because the resale values were so high? i’d imagine that ran at least some people off of the idea of leasing.

are McLarens really unreliable? i hadn’t heard that and i’m disappointed to hear it.


i dunno how many cars i’d drive 263mph, but this is definitely not one of them.

is 2000 early enough for the MB doorlocks to still be vacuum driven? i used to park cars in college and those suction locks were hilariously and annoyingly slow when they worked at all.

thanks! for some reason i didn’t think of it as corrugation lol.

i want to know if there was a purpose beyond the aesthetic. does it add strength, or hide damage, or...

A fan of the styling. It gets close to missing but just doesn’t.