
i can’t explain it. i had one and i loved it and i miss it. mine was a full convertible, though. the engine sounds and feels like an ocean wave.

did HD dump any of its non-livewire debt into this new company?

i bet foam shoots into your face like that car on willy wonka.

i like the 2 door and the manual windows and transmission. but judging from the deliberately hidden view and that one sad assed knob, there’s no way this thing has AC. ND from me, at any price.

Thank you.

I do not accept the concept of a 4 door GT. But I do accept the concept of whatever I would call this thing instead. 

I got one as a rental this year and I felt the same. It had whatever the base engine was and I was still like there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. But then, I’ve got some nostalgia for my Pops’s 1982 New Yorker 5th Avenue.

I think Chrysler/Dodge’s marketing department knows exactly what they are doing. I bet they giggle and spin their chairs around and yell BECAUSE IT’S THE SHIT down the hall sometimes.

That would have been after being cast, not an audition scene. But still.

i don’t want to agree with you but i do. this thing looks a lot like an actual turd.

Please don’t blaspheme in the headlines, edgelords. some of us are malingering at regular jobs.


i still like it and i’m tempted. i don’t think $9.9 is a bad price. but armed with your research i’d offer 7k and wouldn’t pay more.

this thing is cool and i’m kind of surprised it’s road-legal. i’m completely exhausted from trying to look at it though. i really need a nap.

i only drive an Impreza, but if my next car doesn’t have AWD i will dearly miss it. i would stick with the suggestions that have it.

No Dice, but not by much. I wouldn’t feel ripped off if I paid $17k.

i’d seriously consider paying $550 a month to rent an EV if i wouldn’t run up against a max mileage limit. considering my los angeles insurance rates, the higher purchase prices we are seeing, the post-covid higher interest rates on financing, and the depreciation on a new EV, the math seems to work out. it’s close to

i’m not sure what the difference is between a long-term rental and a subscription. i think maybe the urge to destroy a rental car might be easier to resist in a vehicle that the renter will have for a month to a year instead of a day to a weekend. it’s hard to say, because that urge isn’t rational.


I’m Spartacus.