
this is a good price and the best year for this gen because in 73 the bumpers got really ugly. i’ve been looking at these for a long time, mostly because i want something to drive while i listen to Bill Withers. but i wouldn’t settle for this color scheme.

I would take that off color one and use it to 3d print a new one that matches.

yah i don’t know why Emslie is afraid to imply it, but that column tells me the car was stolen at some point. 

yep. calling it Atlantic makes it homage instead of theft.

adrian. you’re talking about sounds helping people that can’t hear.

probably some sort of volume knob. but most likely they were just playing an mp3 and sitting there.

both, and how about you don’t worrry about my money. i drive 35k miles a year, mostly between los angeles and fresno. the 99 is a straight, flat, boring highway full of 18 wheelers and produce trucks. it’s perfectly fine with me if you don’t want adaptive cruise, i was speaking for myself. and you shouldn’t try to

i really hope this isn’t a heap of shit, because a hot hatch cuv is exactly what i want. with adaptive cruise.

lol@your oranges

starts at $10k more.

people that are enthusiastic about fast CUVs.

another key difference for me: adaptive cruise will be available on the Hornet. you can’t get it on the Kona N for any amount of money.

the paint is just trying to accentuate the truck’s massive underbite on each end.

right? i was worried this was a suicide video.

who takes a rental car to the car wash?

what’s wrong with it is it’s a publicly traded company.

GM needs it.

in other news, you can get the internet on cell phones.

i have a personal rule against buying a car with a red or blue interior ever again but this is a NP all day.

call me a selfish asshole, but the top two concerns i would have had as a driver in that video are getting out of the intersection and getting the fuck away from the flaming gas station.