
i guess i have bad taste, because i don’t mind this body kit one bit.

i’m all for a citroen DS wagon, but i wouldn’t even buy a diet coke from Beverly Hills Car Club.

Casino Royale also has dialogue with Bond explaining that he wears Omega watches instead of Rolexes. Like, says that out loud to another character.

Also in I-Robot, doesn’t Will Smith turn to the camera and jerk off on a pair of Converse Chucks while calling them classics?

They also said the exclusion wouldn’t cause any safety issues, since the removed part was deemed to be a secondary — or redundant — unit, mainly used as a backup.”

Ah yes. the Boeing paradox.

cool. how did that LiveWire company that HD spun all of their losses off into do?

where is the data that shows how much it would cost to install charging equipment for the fleet?

that’s not as bad as it sounds. one open window isn’t that bad in a vehicle moving that slowly, the cooler air won’t get sucked out like in a regular car or something with two openings allowing flow.

aerodynamics are irrelevant for this use. these vehicles will probably never break 40mph and spend nearly all of their time under 10mph.

probably because not one post office in the country is equipped to charge a fleet of EVs. i would guess it is politically impossible to get the massive, massive amount of funding the USPS would need to switch from gas to electric. especially since 50% of the government detests the idea of a government service and has

i would bet that post office has its own gas stations or fuel contracts but doesn’t have infrastructure to charge their fleet all at the same time overnight.

bleh i don’t support that at all as a feature that can be disabled. i can’t think of a situation where that would be a good idea. unless the software’s ability to decide how many cars to pass before dropping out of the passing lane sucks, maybe? 

i think we should impose emission restrictions on shipping and trucking to offset the savings from using foreign slave labor.

seems likely that no authority ever saw the vehicle. it was probably towed for being illegally parked. but you’re right, if his family reported him missing i want to know why the license plate didn’t ring any bells anywhere. it might not be shoddy investigative work, it’s likely just shady wrecking yard assholes.

impounded also just means towed for being illegally parked. the cops probably never even saw this car.

yah. this recall needs about 4 lines of new code and will be done over the air. Pintos used to explode and Ford didn’t even do a recall for that. Fuck Musk and all that, but.

is the Golf R included in the recent Golf mark 8 recall for that one issue of being a non-functional complete piece of shit?

the other thing you don’t want is to pander to criminals or people with anger issues. as long as these cars are able to recognize when they are going slower than other traffic and move the fuck over to the right lane i’m ok with them going the speed limit. and everyone else should be, too.

the solution isn’t for automated cars to speed by default, though. do you think you were rear ended because the car behind you thought you were going to run the stop sign? or do you think they just weren’t paying attention?

because the US is a nation of assholes. that’s why our laws have to be so specific, because the spirit of them isn’t important to Americans. the US has nothing to do with this story, but nearly every commenter on this thread tried to apply US law to the situation and/or asserted that the way the US does things would

yes, the privilege of driving without a speed limit is the one he abused. all that crap you quoted uses relative terms and isn’t any more specific than the autobahn laws. all it takes is one asshole with no chill to ruin everything for everybody.