
yes it is. SHOULD is the only question here, and it strikes at the heart of German culture and identity. the idea that they don’t have to have specific laws because they aren’t a nation of assholes like in the US.

they don’t want to have speed limits. the only way they can have no speed limits is to slap dickheads like this guy in the face. humans aren’t naturally awful and stop excusing people that are.

is “reasonable doubt” the standard in German courts?

yes. that’s why the wording of the law is vague. they don’t want to have speed limits, and being able to come down on a stupid, stupid fucking asshole like this guy that abused the privilege is the only way to still have nice things.

please don’t project your habits onto me.

the point is to make cars that drive better than humans. the safest car is one that follows traffic laws and watches for humans that don’t. i look out for drivers that run stop signs, but i don’t become one so they can plan for me being a dick like them.

i disagree. driving like humans do is a terrible idea and the auto insurance lobby will not stand for it.

it’s not a single experience. i also live in CA and i stop at stop signs and so far i’ve never been hit in the ass at a stop sign. 

i see he employs the Space Invaders tactic of shooting through his own protection.

i would bet my pinky toe that this isn’t about wear on the seat motors. maybe a burst of use creates heat in a bad spot for other components. but my money is on this somehow preventing someone from experimenting with going prone and sleeping while driving.

yeah i don’t even think it’s ugly. i mean, the ugly parts of it are also on every other CUV for sale.

yes. Mitsu is at a point where it would take slightly more effort to stop selling cars in the US than it takes to sell cars in the US. so here we are.

this is too much to pay for a car i’d want to restore. but i can’t find any other SX4's for sale in the US right now. 

so the new battery is about $1250 cheaper and people were hoping Tesla would pass that savings on instead of just keeping the money?

but also, i’m surprised that ANY manufacturer that’s not called Mitsubishi or Kia or Chevrolet is still selling a car for $25k.

it’s shocking to me that they didn’t do before and afters, it’s twice the clicks!

if a mechanic tells me that it’s true that all the drivetrain needs is a valve adjustment, NP. but if there is any more bad news in that area i’d have to ask what i’m really paying for.


i’m starting to suspect that BAT exists solely to turn bitcoin gains into something you can feel and smell.

ND, but not by a whole lot. i hope this car goes to a good home, it would be handsome restored.

right? if that isn’t the cutest god damned thing i’ve ever seen.