
yeah it turns out, wider is still better. i wonder if the interior and exterior actually look this wide in person.

15% then 20% after $445k for federal long-term. then the state of CA charges another 10%-12% on top of that.

matt farah is just incorrect in his tweet. the very rich person still pays taxes when they sell their assets to make loan payments. 

these cars are a lot cuter than i remember, but this is a ND. but not by much at all. if this had been priced at $4k i’d have to NP it.

yeah i really don’t want to live in a world where airports don’t have booze.

yah lol. every pic of her in the news is from the same scene in the same bikini top. so maybe Baywatch Featured Extra would be more correct. 

it really was.

flights have been dry for over a year now. at least in coach where my ass goes.

i think that’s just bad lighting. or perhaps grime.

to be fayahhhh

that’s the great thing about civil forfeiture. everybody wins!

that’s a terrible way to talk about Johnny Sacrimoni.


so. i’ve had 3 shots. i don’t care anymore and you can’t make me. 

NP. if this thing was California-legal i’d buy it.

what makes this a low-grade driver? it seems like a very high-grade driver to me. still ND tho.

i don’t have pictures or anything, but the last time i landed at La Guardia i thought i overselpt on the plane and got off at the wrong airport.

because reliability isn’t the only factor that determines a customer’s satisfaction. different people have different priorities. if you’d said that quality and reliability aren’t Tesla’s strong suits, but the brand has the highest customer satisfaction ratings, i’d agree with you. but it’s entirely possible for a

ok so tell you what. every time you buy a car from them because you trust them and think they are great, let me know and i’ll send you a congratulatory post card.

yah but they are picking the peanuts out of poop. not every company wants to do that or can survive doing that.