
i’m shocked as hell that Tesla even told anyone they are using old stock batteries. also, an up to 12% drop in range after 4 years or less makes me want to wait a little longer before going electric.

then i have good news for you. you don’t have to wait in the long assed line to buy one.

but i did once almost lose the hood of my triumph spitfire by opening it on the breakdown lane of a highway. an 18 wheeler drove by and the wind almost ripped it right off of the car. the metal of the hood tore.

so the dealership decided to screw a 16 year old out of $10k rather than go after their own salesman for the money he owed them. punk bitches at that dealership. punk bitches.

sure they did. they got a free car.

the dealer’s reputation is on the hook here. i guess we will find out whether ihireconmenandifyoushophereyoumightgetrookedoutofyourlifesavings-dfw.com thinks their reputation is worth 10 grand.

what are the way more effective ways.

i’m not.

are you sure?

not with a helmet on they can’t.

my first reaction was haha sailboats again. my second reaction was nobody is going to bother to use this bullshit. but my third reaction was that if truckers are willing to put those unfolding air baffling panels on the backs of their rigs, maybe some shippers will think it’s worth it to use these kites. this one will

well let’s just not tell them.

i think maybe you misunderstand this bullshit kite thing. it isn’t supposed to be used instead of waste oil. it’s meant to be used in concert with the engines to reduce fuel usage and stank by about 20%, without slowing the ship.

what’s a samsung phones?

From right to left: Erik Charles Maund, Gilad Peled, Bryon Brockway, Adam Carey

right to left? wtf?

construction site body dumps are the austin equivalent of florida gator pond body dumps

right? i might be interested in buying the car they made out of what was left of the donor cars. there might not have been any ugly left.

yah i hate this a LOT less. also, i want green windows on my car now.

sailboats are not vaporware. this is some other word that means the product exists but is a giant step backwards conceptually and a much worse design technically. maybe retroware can be a thing.
