
maybe as long as the device is also traveling along with its actual owner’s iphone, apple doesn’t report the tracker’s presence to you.

well, and also it’s inconvenient to change my cc number for all of my automatic bill payments and stored payment methods.

it would be cool if my iphone’s facial recognition could identify me with my mask on so i could use apple pay in stores without entering a passcode every time i want to look at my phone.

ehhhhh did they sell the Aristo in any countries with left hand drive?

it doesn’t seem like Live Wire is a success. there’s a good chance HD is spinning this off so it can load Live Wire with debt and get the expenses for it off of HD’s books.

i’m torn about this. the video would have been much more impressive if Tesla hadn’t overhyped and exaggerated the abilities of the system. like, if i had seen this video 10 years ago i would have been blown away. now i’m just like big deal those lanes are newly painted and there aren’t any stop signs or cross traffic.

it’s shaped like an LSA but looking at the chunks, it seems like a kit that’s just supposed to make an ultralight look like one.

yah but the poster was talking about future flying cars, which would presumably weigh more than the pilot.

i think you’re right that some people would rather have a new car than a good car. but i’m ok with that. people on this site are too quick to dismiss how exciting and good it feels to have a brand new car. or maybe they don’t know because they only buy 15 year old hondas and toyotas. the last few years have been

i always thought chrysler put that tame engine in the prowler expecting that owners would do swaps anyway. you know, in the hot rod spirit. it wasn’t a good idea, but it was an idea.

hot rods gonna hot rod.

yeah that guys story sounds fishy to me. its likely the insurance company recorded the call tho

and never, ever get paid. 

because sellers think it will be easier to sell a car with cheap brand new tires on it instead of the old tires with cracks and/or uneven wear.

i was going to argue that maybe the mileage is low because it is owned by someone that has several cars, but you’re right. even if you own a bunch of cars to choose from, this one is supposed to be the car you drive most of the time.

totally. “i like the new riviera.

the car isn’t anywhere near end of life but the first set of tires would have been. i think it’s likely that this is only the second set of tires that have been on this 22k mile example. maybe the seller just put the cheapest tires they could find on it because they thought cheap new tires look better than 15 year old

this is the closest i’ve ever been to telling an EV seller to Take My Money

the kids love visible intercoolers. let’s kind of do that, in case we have a hard time selling these GT500s.”

well good for them. i like it when people that make things can also have one of the things. also, if the product is disappointing or fragile, an employee isn’t going to get online and talk shit about it. everybody wins!