
at least some subarus still do. when i had to replace my windshield on my 2020 impreza, i had to specify whether my cracked one had heaters or not. mine does not. 

i mean. if they put coupons out at my hotel.

ba dah bahmp bahmp bahhhh i’m hatin’ it.

Hold on a sec: how could he “hit the wrong pedal” when there are only two in the car and the “wrong pedal” you are talking about is the one his foot was firmly planted at WOT?? (that’s “wide open throttle”?)

the online reservation with deposit wasn’t designed to make it easier for buyers and dealers to do the deal. its real purpose was marketing bullshit that let Ford brag about Bronco demand. Tesla did it with a higher deposit to raise some capital, but mainly to raise their stock price. Nikola is an extreme example of

those miles only come out to about 15k a year, but still. i don’t trust that they are highway miles. those bent shitty wheels tell me all that i need to know about this thing. nooooooo dice.

I think it’s worth watching. The last season of The Leftovers was the best one, and that’s super rare. There’s a tie-in with an 80s sitcom that somehow isn’t stupid at all. It’s grim, but good.

i think Pushing Daisies should be in the 70s-80s range.

i don’t think they are the same, but i absolutely think the reason there isn’t a hatch 3 variant available in the US is because it’s the laziest way to differentiate it from the GTI.

you’re supposed to have follow cars driven by servants drag your crap around for you.

if the pre-purchase inspection shocks me by not being 4 pages of bad news, NP.

looks wide awake to me.

this is a good pick. there were a LOT of slow assed minitrucks with ground effect kits driving around at the time.

that thing is begging to be pushed over, like a porta-potty.

good point about M5. the E39 didn’t look like it had 400hp, unless you were looking at the tailpipes i guess.

you make the best point. i know what the Plaid is, but i wouldn’t be able to recognize one right away.

because it’s ridiculous. i wish i had bought one.

my brother has one of those, i would call it a sleeper. it’s really quick for a CUV.

yeah the Carlton sets off my spidey sense. kind of like that Mercedes AMG Hammer, there are a lot of cues.

i LOVE the Lotus Carlton, but i think the XJR is more of a sleeper. maybe only because i live in the US so i’ve seen a lot of the regular XJs and never seen an Omega sedan on the road.