
it’s a damned shame. if this was a manual, i’d be arguing with myself right now.

pics or GTFO

OK. so the questions become, is it too late to source the parts for my flame-throwing guitar, and should i start hoarding silver spray paint?

the very very first thing i thought was that this car is due for inspection. i would bet my pinky toe that the owner threw 02 sensors at it and was already fed up with whatever other issues it has and just wants it gone. the second thing i thought was that it looks pretty sharp.

if the Yamato washes up, i hope it’s made into a spaceship.

i was saying Boo-urns.

i kind of see it, but it might be the paint.

nobody has ever thought the prices of comparably spec’d Acuras and Hondas would be comparable.

seems like an attempted murder is less likely than a protester that refused to get out of the way and the driver decided to play chicken expecting the protester to get out of the way. i’m not trying to excuse the behavior, i just think twice accusing the driver of trying to kill the protester is hyperbole.

are you talking about a clock spring? i’ve replaced those on a volvo and a nissan. i still don’t know how they work exactly and i hate them so much.

i picture you apologizing to the toll booth operator for the noise.

there’s only one thing that i’d hate to have to do more than manually open a sunroof with an allen key. and that’s disconnect my horn at 3 o’clock in the morning.

i’m kind of with you on this. i tried to put myself in the shoes of someone that desperately needs a three row vehicle today and what my other options would be at $8900. i don’t like my other options much more than this one. i’m super glad those shoes aren’t mine. the only thing that would cheer me up a little is if

me too. i went to the Petersen in L.A. this year and that day they just happened to have every car that i’d pay to see in person. there was a McLaren F1 and a Lancia Stratos. 40 years ago i would have begged my Pops to take me to a car show if the General Lee or KITT was there. or Wonder Bug. or The Munstermobile.

for me it’s because there aren’t many MR2s to spare. i don’t get upset when someone uses a Miata as a base because so many were made. to be clear i don’t think any imposter cars are cool. i just really hate to see it done with donor cars that are more rare.

Trollin trollin trollin, keep those stans a-scrollin

i assume JD management chose what it saw as the best of 4 options. pay their workers more? nope. shut down factory production? nope. hire scabs? nope. force the workers that showed up to take the Team Player Test? let’s go with that.

i’m 100% sure you’re right about that. but it also bugs me a little that the tweet claims under $40k when i can clearly see that the 401k contribution puts this employee over $40k.

too true. i’m sure there are a lot of snorkel posers out there but i don’t trust my ability to detect them.

i’m shopping Land Rover Offenders