
You only hate your Grandma if you don’t care what your Grandma likes.

eh, that doesn’t explain how he got the first few of them.

maybe i’m just paranoid. i’ve been rewatching The Sopranos because i wanted a refresh before watching that new prequel movie. this crime family likes to create a problem for someone, then offer a solution to the problem, then charge the person a monthly fee from then on for keeping the problem at bay. it sure seems

ahhh ok thanks that makes sense.

i’ve always been under the impression that the Prius is the only car on the market with a CVT that doesn’t break. is there anything to that? i think i heard that it has a planetary CVT and all of the other cars out there have non-planetary CVTs with much higher failure rates. i think i read yesterday that the Ford Mave

i’d sure rather have a MKIV

i agree with you. there are legit gripes with nissan’s products, but their vehicles’ looks are the least legit.

i agree. it should go without saying that i’d have the best 3rd party MB mechanic i can find in that town to do a pre-purchase inspection. if there aren’t any detectable major issues overall or even minor ones with the drivetrain, i’m this seller’s huckleberry. i wouldn’t try to hang onto this thing longterm, but i’d

it’s a terrible idea. people can die.

yeah some people say they catch fire because the fuel lines rot and leak. some say they catch fire because the cap and rotor melt and arc. some say they catch fire because the rotor breaks and shuts down only half of the engine, letting gasoline flow to the red hot catalytic converter on that side. they’re all right.

aww come on. they have 100 more hp than a corolla. yeah it would probably be cheaper to swap in and maintain 3 corolla engines. and there’s room. but that V12 sounds like an ocean wave when you hit the gas. and every time i start mine up it feels like i’m raising the titanic.

TH400 in my ‘90.

that auto trans is a bummer, but i REALLY like how it passes on the freeway without bothering to downshift.

i support the Lynx conversion, but i’ll let mine burn to the ground before i’ll swap out my dual headlights.

the cool thing about these cars is when they break and you can’t afford to fix them, they still look really cool in a pile in your garage. or in my case, my exwife’s garage that used to be my garage.

are you sure this one has 2 fuel tanks? my ‘90 only has one, but it’s a convertible so that might be why. or maybe they did away with the second tank in the late 80s? i know the xj6 an xj12 had two.

if the AC has been rebuilt and the fuel lines replaced and the seat heaters and cruise control work and you can actually see the dash lights at night, this is a NP. it’s easier to find better factory wheels for this car than to find tires that fit them. full disclosure, i own a ‘90 convertible in a less desirable

that KARR security system is so the car can be located and repossessed. technically i’ve never paid for it, but it’s all made up numbers anyway. also it’s named after the coolest Knight Rider character.

i always have to check my tools for work travel and i’ve never waited longer than 20 minutes for my luggage to show up. a few times i’ve had to wait 45 minutes to give them an address to deliver my bags to when they find them. 

i’m also wondering if at least some of those people got up to get out of the plane, couldn’t move toward the exits because you can only get one person out the door at a time and started grabbing their shit because they couldn’t move towards the exits anyway.