
MB-Tex is interesting to me because every other manufacturer that used vinyl during this period seemed like cheap fake junk. the only difference as far as i know was maybe the thickness of the material?

i suspect that part of the problem is that google/apple won’t handle it for free. and if auto manufacturers don’t have at least a semblance of a viable in-house alternative, they will have to pay BOTH google and apple whatever they want to charge for subscription model licenses on every single vehicle they sell.

as someone that grew up in TX when these were for sale, i’d give people in southern flat states a pass for not recognizing this vehicle. we didn’t have mountains or snow. rear wheel drive pickup trucks were much more practical than Eagles where i grew up.

i haven’t been in one, but i stopped shitting on it when i saw one in person. it looks so much better live than in photos. i think it’s because it’s much smaller than i thought.

Fucking awful.

if the transport invoice lists the weight as twice the curb weight, it might be full of water.

this baffles me. i thought the FAA were the regulators.

is trading it in for a downpayment on a corvette also one step?

The ‘Worst Car In The History Of The World’ Is One Step Away Repeated 8 Times And Then One Other Step Away Repeated 8 Times From Sounding Incredible.

but i already sawed a hole in the hood. fuck am i supposed to do now?

sorry i cant hear you over their 0% APR for 72 months offer.

i think it helps that the Challenger is supposed to look old. the Q50 isn’t retro. you know, yet.

also i think that companies like to spread out the new stuff a bit anyway. The new Golf R has come to the US the year after the new GTI for the last couple of gens at least. Ford does it with Raptors and Mustang variants, Dodge does it with their satanic versions. i think Chevy does it with their Vettes too. it seems

i hope so too, but. it has to look more extreme than the WRX and the cheapest easiest way to do that is to add more plastic. and wings. and plastic wings.

this was my biggest struggle. keeping my body in the right half of the lane.

what else are they supposed to do with the WRX? the dallas cowboys have sucked for 25 years, but they are still going to continue the whole football angle.

i think it will get $15k. but it won’t get it from me.

you would.


everything hinged on those gullwing doors.