
to get adaptive cruise you have to get the very top trim. 31k with the cheapest paint choices. meh.

god damn i miss taco john’s.

and then smell mulch for the rest of your life every time you sit in it. no thanks. gimme the tinybed.

look. the knobs are shiny because i’m going to eat cheeseburgers in it and then turn the knobs anyway. this way they always look clean.

so. if you were a chauffeur, and it was your job to drive someone around, all day, in a way that never jostled your passenger, how easy would the car make your job? i mean, why not write an article that tries to put the experience in the context of the product’s intended use?

if i was a lawyer working for tesla, and i’m not, i would advise in the strongest possible terms that the company not sell a car that accelerates to 60mph in 1.1 seconds to anyone with $150k.

yah it sucks but adaptive cruise sure helps. and these ranges are good enough for me even with my crazy driving needs. i’d have to stop and recharge on my longest drives just to make it to a hotel with a charging station on some days but only for maybe 45 minutes. like, it’s doable even for someone with a weird job

i drive 30-35k miles a year for work. leasing just isn’t for me.

also, i’m sure this car was tested in detroit, which hasn’t seen daylight in 50 years.

i must have been a dumber kid than you because i thought that trident was the tits. of course, at the time my family owned a dodge ram charger and a chrysler new yorker 5th avenue.

as someone living in los angeles county, i’ll take a new EV that includes maintenance (?) and insurance for $500 all day. hell, give me two.

if it wasn’t red inside and i could get it into my apartment building’s terrible parking garage and it wasn’t so obviously damaged and shoddily repaired and i wouldn’t feel like a complete jackass driving it around, i might buy this and then sell it in 3 months. but that’s not the world i’m living in. No Dice.

it was the laziest possible way to tell me that character is a spoiled pos.

from the quotes, it seems they would rather just not have cars and not have factories building them. that doesn’t make sense to me, but it makes what they did make sense to me.

whatever level it is, i think Musk wants to limit his liability and also call it finished.

i gave it a pass for the dated look because they insisted on retro cues.

depends on whether the driver is sitting in the front or the back.

seems like they had two choices. titan rocket size or bullet size. they went with bullet size.

I understand why, Jason. Musk is lowering the bar and the expectations. He is struggling to invent a system that works and he’s lost confidence. A camera-only system gives him an excuse for it to deactivate and default to a human driver in the most difficult driving conditions.

lol. this act wasn’t about the product’s impact on the environment. it was about the production facility’s impact on the environment. a shit-spewing factory is still a shit-spewing factory.