
this isn’t a $20k discount. you aren’t taking the Leaf’s resale value into account, which Nissan gets to keep because it’s a lease. it’s more like a $19k discount.

i think it’s too soon to be asking this kind of money for this truck’s aesthetic. it still looks like shit to me. maybe in 10 or 20 years?

that sliding ipad reminds me of the vanity flip down garage door style covers for the controls on our 1970s Lady Kenmore washer and dryer.

i don’t blame 80s yuppies, BMWs were the highest quality 4 seaters you could buy then. i blame the 90s yuppies, for still being fanboys when Japanese lux subdivisions caught up.

you’re the backup system. Musk is lowering the bar and expectations by going camera only. it gives him an excuse to have his products deactivate their automatic driving systems in situations that are the most difficult to navigate. it’s a masterstroke, really. and Elon is the master stroker.

i think you should buy lamborhini.

subquestion: if you order a car, is there room for price negotiation or are you pretty much stuck with msrp? i mean, at that point i wouldn’t even know who to haggle with.


of course it needs money to make things. i’m not in the industry at all and it was obvious to me they didn’t have enough money to actually go into production. also, i still love those wheels that look like motor windings.

i love this car, but asking is a few thousand too high.

there’s a much, much easier explanation for how this happens. it’s that i’m fucking tired. sorry. it’s been a relatively rough couple of years.

the definition of a secret is something that’s new to some people but not new to everyone.

that makes sense, we had two hatchbacks. we also had a purple 610 wagon that i sure wish we’d held onto.

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha. pass.

our 210's rear windows were the kind where you pop them out a little bit on a hinge.

15 yards and automatic first down.

i’m really glad to hear that.

no, but i’m assuming you’re friendless.

i guess he went with PEAR so we’ll know what shape it’s going to go. i really really like Fisker’s designs. i’ll make you a deal, Henrik. if you ever get to the point where your shit doesn’t qualify for the tax rebate anymore, i’ll risk buying one of your cars.

i held my nose and voted NP. doesn’t seem like an insane amount of money for someone that doesn’t fucking hate the HHR.