
whistling in the dark?

by throwing it into a volcano.

i kind of hate those horizontal lines on the ends of the rear bumper, but i like the rest. i’d probably pay the Wilderness premium, but i was already about 90% sold on a top level trim outback anyway. it would really depend on how much more the dealership thinks of the package than i do.

i wouldn’t expect that company to know or risk that the attack was directed only at their billing system. wurms gonna wurm. i also wouldn’t expect them to continue doling out product that they can’t bill for. i give Shitbag Pipe, Inc a pass for shutting down.

holy shit do i hate with au.

i guess they used a system that’s no longer in place. when people are replaced by computers, companies shitcan those people. they don’t keep paying them to be on call.

cnn reported that the pipeline was shut down, and it was. it’s unreasonable to expect any news outlet to hold back a story until all facts are known, especially when citizens will be immediately effected. i do think cnn jumps the gun, and it’s sloppy, and overly-dramatic. but do you really expect them to have ignored

you have a good point, but now i google things that i used to look up in the glove box bible.

does that mean the radiation is from accidents and neglect rather than war? i just realized i’ve never sat down and watched them in order. i think i was also confused by the lore those kids chant in the third movie. i thought they were talking about nuclear war but were they just plane crash survivors? i didn’t pay

i’m just starting to realize that there are a lot of people in the US that can’t fucking wait for an apocalypse. preppers aren’t scared, they are excited.

i’m going to rewatch it today. i’ve always thought that max was a post-nuclear war cop that had to police up survivors that went nuts from radiation poisoning.

i strongly suspect that the money they spent hoarding gas came from their scratch-off budgets, so they aren’t likely to notice the loss.

either way, it’s terribly funny.

my mind went to Mad Max, too. I think the last few years have shown that there doesn’t have to be an apocalypse. a gradual descent might be more likely. like boiling a frog.

sub-technicality: if she is still capable of having kids, she doesn’t qualify either.

that is funny. but, an electric Dodge Stealth isn’t the worst idea i’ve had today.

i agree that’s chrysler’s best chance, but i would feel deeply sorry for everyone in the room during an “in 10 years we hope to be stealing Lincoln’s thunder” pitch.

kind of by the same argument almost, that chrysler 300 obviously doesn’t sell in nearly the numbers of the charger and challenger, but by now the profit margin on it has to be pretty high.

any color you want, as long as it’s white, grey, blue, red, or black.

oh i’m sure those insurance numbers will pan out. insurance companies hate collecting premiums and will readily agree to a massive cut in their revenues.