
cool. but if someone wants me to buy their EV, i need to know how far it can go in Texas in August with the climate control set to 68 degrees. that and how long to recharge are the only numbers i care about.

i am starting to think that QAnon people are pedophiles that have become paranoid and just really, really want to know whether they are suspected.

So, if i read this right it has 2 engines and 2 transmissions that are completely independent except for the throttle cable and shared cooling.

My proposal: buy this for $10k. Put the front transmission into D. Put the rear transmission into R. or D because it’s installed backwards who the fuck knows. Roll film. Full

probably to keep this heap on the ground.

yeah it’s pretty obvious the HOA just wanted these people to follow the procedure and do the paperwork so they can have it on file. the threat of fines was just to get these lazy entitled assholes to register their fucking RV. apply for the waiver, and you’ll get your waiver. if the HOA lets you slide, some other

Neutral: I’m not into subsidizing new car purchases just to help sales, especially since Dear Leader axed efficiency standards. they would be keeping all of the cons and erasing all of the pros. fuuuuuuck that noise.

ohhh sorry i totally misunderstood your post.

i’m not sure 3 products that are all made by Toyota is really “competition.”

if there was a 2021 Geo Metro deathmobile, you would get mpg in the 60s-70s. if VW was still allowed to cheat on emissions, you might be able to get a Jetta TDI that gets 60s-70s. i feel you, but you’re taking these mpg numbers way out of context here.

i don’t mind that hatchback one bit.

$4.31 a share.

*to force American oil to lower production so the price of oil will go up.

there’s no such thing as “American oil out of business.”

there are a lot of people in this country that think pickup trucks are really cool. i don’t often agree with those people, but if you’re spending $50k on a daily driver, you’re not just trying to meet your basic needs. you’re also trying to meet your wants, and compromising on efficiency to do that. anyone that shits

i knew a guy that did road work and he said if you drove a pickup to work you were a sucker because bossman would try to get you to use your personal vehicle to help get the work done.

and vans are for city streets.

yeah and i’ve yet to see a van with an interior i’d want to spend a big chunk of my day in.

with whips. massive, massive whips.

how dare they mix their needs and wants like that. 


i think he was talking about workers and their tools, not product shipping.