without the problem of the question there is nicely all that energy


Which is good because Adele could wipe her off the map with her pinkie finger.

Cops in London and many other European cities don’t carry guns.

Yeah, I got it backwards. My point stands which is that the fact that people didn’t evacuate doesn’t make them foolish. Plenty of confusion.

About 30 seconds in I started imagining TS as Amy Schumer, swinging in the birdcage, bathing in diamonds, doing a fake-take of Formation. Seen that way, as a parody, it’s really entertaining. I guess I’m too shallow to appreciate the depth and complexity that all the music critics and cultural literati are gabbing

Seems like he must have broken the law by lying in his application, so is he being prosecuted? Has he testified in court in any cases that should be retried or thrown out now? Have there been any charges of mistreatment in the jail he oversees? Has whoever vetted him been investigated for complicity or incompetence

1. Governor insisted that Houston residents not evacuate. 2. Many people are too poor to evacuate. It is the end of the month, what do you do, where do you go, with $44 left in your bank account? 3. Go how people love to look down on the misfortunate. During Katrina it was all those black people too stupid and

I remember diapers were a huge need during Katrina. You gotta imagine people whose house is underwater and have escaped with the clothes on their back and a baby in their arms, standing in some make shift shelter somewhere, trying to keep it together. You don’t need a stinky, screaming baby coming down with diaper

Sounds like Phoenix is extra special, but the criminal justice system is shit because people are the same everywhere. People don’t want to know about what happens to people who get carted away by the cops. They don’t care about sentencing, recidivism, cruel conditions, lost lives, ruined families. Somehow these are

10 things. Over 400,000 people went through his camps.

I don’t think so. He has the look.

The re formation lyrics are the best fun I’ve had in weeks. Need to get out more, but they are good.

Women on the NYC subway handle ass grabbing every day without a court case attendant with such publicity about their nobility as to reignite a stalled career and make another 50 million dollars almost overnight. I don’t know what TS did for any cocktail waitress getting pinched tonight. She sure changed the

God, these people have no manners. A resignation letter should be three sentences max. Ugh.

The way you get ahead in entertainment is by seeing what you can get away with and lining yourself up with competitors to show your stature in a favorable light and demanding appropriate pay. The article before this one is a charming story about how Judge Judy tyrannizes her network, over salary negations, because

Nope. Dad died when she was 12, of MS. She parodies entitlement, including her own. My defense of a funny, intelligent, generous, and pioneering comic is completely intentional.

Heart aches for that child-to-be.

I think Tom Cruise’s wound is fake too. And did anybody else notice that he is speaking English? When he’s supposed to be a German?