without the problem of the question there is nicely all that energy

For the girl with the abusive parents and some same sex inklings, get rid of the tired 1960s notion that we always have to tell the truth to everyone. Think of it this way, because it’s not much different: In Saudi Arabia they throw gay men off buildings. Should gay men in Saudi Arabia be honest or be smart? So

If gays like me had that kind of power, Moore would be rotting, as opposed to just rotten.

Have to say that the universal sacrosanct piety over military spending need to come to an end. Its going to be that or food and housing for the elderly.

My favorite place is Toshio’s on Rainier near I-90. Tiny place on a sliver of a block and they sell so much decent cheap food they must be getting rich, even if they make a nickel a plate. I like places where the customers are so content, that they trade conversation like conspirators, quietly acknowledging that

I kind of think when governmental officials subvert justice they should be responsible for the sentence that would have been appropriate to the person they protected, (or in the case of false conviction, harmed). DAs talk about disincentives for drugs and every other petty crime, how about this?

I knew about it, tried with Comet Cleanser and aspirin at 12, but failed. Bullying continued another four years. A sibling. Still physically flinch when people walk too close, too quickly. Parents and teachers who still tell kids to work bullying out among themselves aren’t worthy of their responsibility.

Hmm. Didn’t hear an apology to either Ms. Sims or her daughter for the school creating such a desperate situation in the first place, and then prosecuting someone who has dared to complain about the school system, for a very innocent and sensible act that she surely didn’t know was illegal.

If a black woman of prominence were to come out to say he’s already said it, and is dying to say it again, but he is too chicken, hung too tiny, and not rich enough, to do it.

The best thing about this story is that the store is the target of people’s anger over gentrification in general.

Stupidity is often evidenced in immorality. Immorality is often evidenced in stupidity.

The false testimony of a very possibly criminal attorney general in an as of yet open investigation has value of any type at all?

I was on jury duty when we had to determine a settlement. Judge gave us no guidelines. The case involved a common laborer carting stuff in a wheel barrow on the construction site of a high rise. A hole between two floors was improperly covered and he went right through it, and claimed to have badly injured his

The tell for SHS is when she prefaces her response to a question with “Look”. It means she is responding with a prepared lie.

So, Look, she sure shell.

There’s this thing that the most pathetic thieves do.

I suppose it wasn’t fair but when W was piously ruining America and the Middle East in a hundred Christian ways with the assistance of an Attorney General who literally had the breasts of Justice draped with cloth because they were indecent, it was hard to not enjoy the news that his unholy and incorrigible twins were

I tutor in a jail, and the best tattoos are there.

It’s easier to explain away your failure to teach black kids when you ostracize and demonize them as incorrigibles. It’s much much harder for kids to concentrate on schoolwork when they’ve been ostracized and demonized, especially for things other kids get away with. And once a kid is mad at being treated unfairly,

Anybody who has Great Dane knows it goes in your bed.

My favorite Thanksgivings were dinner parties with intimate friends who for one reason or another weren’t with family. As always, the best time for a good dinner party is about 7.30. No TV, no sports or political conversation. Best place for this is Manhattan Island. Hearing the assumption that Thanksgiving is