without the problem of the question there is nicely all that energy

It’s a pretty rare man or woman who would go through a year of frequent sexual intimacy, withholding a strong desire to take it to another level. I doubt if she feels much differently than he. Maybe both of them feel strange, about spending so much time in such a long, loveless arrangement.

I always dress when I travel, but to put myself in the mind of going through a flight gate as if I were going through the velvet rope as some club is pretty off-putting.


“I understand that this presents challenges...” About the time that we accept that every single criminal case does so, and stop processing people by the container ship, we’re doomed.

Similar but different. I’m always annoyed at Taylor Swift as portrayed in the media. I ascertain TS gestation periods and after, I go listen to two or three of her songs on You Tube and hate them along with the videos. I go back to being always annoyed at TS as portrayed in the media. Although I can’t name one of

Response when you don’t know something: “This is the first I have heard of that...” From someone who has an honest bone in their body.

Glad she is smiling and dancing. Kind of thing that will never leave her though.

That is exactly my dream hair cut.

Before Hitler this was a look sported by lots of European poets and intellectuals. A variation had a brief resurgence in the New Wave of the early 80s. Hair style has limited inherent meanings.

I think she was pretty clear about what she expected of NYC if they show up there. And it wasn’t eating sheet cake. That must have been hard to film,

The Pershing story is also an incredibly violent and ugly choice of a condolence to send to a country that is reeling from bloodshed.

I doesn’t hurt, but flattening it is better.

I flatten chicken breasts with the heavy cast iron pan I cook them in. Like scaloppine. And I finish a brown butter saute with wine.

but there is nothing any of us can say right now without being judged

Like Craigslist but sterilized?

The Trump Wines website is hilarious. What winery greets visitors with a few thousand words about logo usage, copyrights, and other similar legal verbiage? Gee, that’s what I want to sip on a hot summer afternoon, a lease agreement.

Bee and Colbert do their thing but to say they provoke my thought is a stretch. They catalogue the stuff I read about and make jokes about it.

Agree. SNL gave Trump a much greater platform than the silly Fallon bit.

I wish these children could drop their complicated anarchist monikers for a moment. Toppling that statue isn’t anarchy, it’s civilization.

I appreciate that a journalist is not necessarily a ninja, and I would probably offer nothing by defending someone being violently attacked, beyond my own injuries.