
I don't think we can systematically tell you whether to play vs. buy without knowing your financial situation. Our writers can tell you in the review if they think the game is worth playing for a weekend or a month or a lifetime, I guess. But I think it's too subjective a call to have it be part of every review.

Of course I'm biased. Everyone has biases.

However, I'm more than willing to supply evidence and arguments to support my claims.

It's funny how she's been "called out" so many times for alleged cherry picking and yet she still has enough credibility to get a New York Times op-ed and a spot on one of the highest-rated talk shows in North America, while her detractors scream and cry in obscurity on their little image boards.

I thought it escalated hilariously.

If there's nothing she can do, why do you give enough of a shit to write a long, rambling post about it? Are you scared us girl gamers are gonna mess with your boy toys?

I was gonna explain how crazy and awesome this Colbert episode was to a family member, and then I realized it sounded like the dumbest thing ever.

"Cherry pick data"? If you're referring to Sarkeesian's videos, that's...not what's going on. Like, at all. Unless, of course, you want to argue that a huge chunk of academic cultural and media criticism is "cherry picking data".

And everyone has a political agenda. Choosing not to talk about this stuff is political;

Is this not commonly used? Well this is an embarrassing wake up call...

"I will bring myself sexual pleasure later, while thinking about this with great respect."

Are we really tired of GamerGate, Stephen? Or is this more biased activist journalism trying to brainwash us into being tired of it? Hey. I'm just asking questions! What? I thought this was America! Do you SJW PC Game-Hating Super Facists have something against questions and America?


They are the real victims here.

If you go through the comments on any article about the lack of female representation in gaming, the #1 response from the sexists is always "If women have a problem with it, they should make their own games."

I'm guessing you are unaware of what the actual words: pseudo, data, and surveys mean.


Mad ramblings = I love hammers and birds. Tweet tweet *runs and hugs tree* hahaha EGGS!?

Not mad ramblings = I am going to rape and kill you

^^^You can reference this in the future whenever you need to know the difference.

Gaming isn't a crime. You can play video games and not be a racist misogynistic assshole.

GamerGate is a good way to know today who the scared white men of the Tea Party will be tomorrow.

"Gaming is not a crime."

You don't know but....you know. Yeah. Thanks.

So... White dudes crying about bullshit?