
Correct, if the game designer, studio, writer, etc. decide they do not want a female character then yes they do not have any obligation to include it, and if their only reason for doing so is 'I just don't want to,' that is a perfectly legitimate reason. HOWEVER, that being said, as consumers and game critics, the

Now I see what that gamers' entitlement thing really is. Gamers can truly be the worst.

Yeah, I'm not sure what other instances you're talking about. This is the first time I've seen him in a less than reputable situation, and I think he actually handled it rather well. There isn't really any other way to handle this.

This is sad and disappointing, but definitely not deserving of the vitriol it has received. People have been treating Tim Schafer like SHIT recently, primarily for not meeting their expectations of him. But their expectations are frankly ridiculous, and that's not his fault. Take this as the perfect example—they had a

You are alluding to his dislike of people threaten women with violence online, I presume. You're on the wrong side of... everything.

Cool, you should start a business that runs on "being grateful" for fans, call me when you become rich.

Tim is one of the only people who could've handled this situation with any grace at all. Has Double Fine overestimated the success of crowdfunding and Early Access? Probably. But so have any consumers who have bought into these games without realizing that any game in-progress could easily drop out-of-progress. The

Just a reminder that if you're buying Early Access, buy it for what the game offers right now, not for what the future might hold.

Dungeon Crawler RPG mixed with a social interaction game (the latter half is what makes it special) with a great story. I would suggest starting with Persona 4 (PS2, also a PSN download for the PS3) or P4:The Golden (PSVita). (Both are the same game but The Golden has a bunch of extra stuff)

We're all very impressed by them.

I think you're missing a fairly important part of the process here....

I assumed this was reverse pregnancy:

Another dead giveaway, using the image in the article as an example, is unprofessional behavior. Even if a company like FedEx were to address you simply as "customer," you can bet they'd never, ever include three exclamation points following it.

And if you ever run across a legitimate business that does format emails

Math is hard core.

At least they took the still from what obviously is the beginning of the movie. Just imagine if they had spoiled the ending.

I'd much rather have an HD'd Xenogears. Or a Xenogears remake where they actually do what they had originally wanted to do on the second disc. I can dream...

And i dont understand people like you. You should have figured out by now that everyone has different tastes. I sport a 5inch phone and i use it with no problem whatsoever. Im even thinking of going higher to 5,3 or similar. I like the big screen, it gives me so much room for movies, games etc etc and i never have any

There can be different reasons to buy something. I, for example, but a game is an example of commitment as a fan. When I was young, I loved Suikoden II, but I never actually owned it myself, only played a copy from a friend. But as soon as I got older and had more money, I bought it. The same applies for a lot of


Or....a billion Boyfriends? RIGHT!?