
If you had a point, you lost it in you self-righteousness.

Hey, "gamers?" You know, if you really hate Zoe and Anita that much, if you really think they're just exploiting the situation to make money, and all those "reasons" you're all giving to threaten and harass them?

Here's the thing; I'm an indie developer working on my own game...

Surprise: I am going to moderate the shit out of this discussion. Say something nice or don't say it at all.

What a sad situation. I feel about being a gamer the same way I feel about being an American, incredibly proud and equally ashamed.

Her defenders, at the time, remind me of the same people who attack and deride her.

Actually, I kind of agree with Prudence here. She's in a monogamous marriage to a man. They are not opening it up, apparently, to include others. Marriage presumably means forever. Unless the topic came up of its own accord, what would be the point of making an announcement?

I need to play the Citadel DLC now and then because it makes me a little happier with every day life.

Commander Shepard to some, more recently Rosalind Lutece to Bioschok fans, Bastila to KOTOR fans (or her descendant in SWTOR, Satele Shawn), and Naomi Hunter for Metal Gear Solid fans, starting back in '98. But to me, she'll always be Felicia Hardy in the 90's Spider-Man cartoon.

What is with the comments? A lot of pictures of people shitting, or eating shit. Can someone stop this nonsense already?

Troll Level: Squirrel Nuts.

Reactions, totally understandable.

Bring on some HD Dana Plato!!!! is it wrong to spank it to a dead girl?

It might be worth looking into diagnosis/treatment of depression if you haven't already.

HaleShep = BestShep.

I think this is a fundamentally misguided way of thinking about gender in characters. There isn't a male Shepard personality that Jennifer Hale simply read over. There's a core Shepard personality, a core set of values, a core set of experiences, a sense of humor, triggers to anger, etc, which were expressed by two

Not enough people give Mark Meer credit for voicing male Shepard. Jennifer Hale did a great job sure, but Meer was fantastic as well. Not to mention his enthusiasm for the role, like randomly showing up to conventions cosplaying as Shepard.

I always thought Meer was very understated as Shepard, but it is an absolute fact that he's an excellent voice actor if you go by his range. He did the vorcha AND the hanar along with all sorts of other voices that I'd never have pegged as being him.

There's this thing called "college" and it has a habit of sucking up everyone's money while not paying them as they work harder than 80% of the American workforce.