
RE: Headline Pic - I have never seen a better looking group of girls in my life.

I love Sci Fi but I don’t like Starship Troopers.

I have a soft spot for Bernie and if I have to I will hold my nose and cast a vote for him but I’m really hoping for Hillary. Just worried she won’t get the black vote. But Bernie won’t either. And neither will Republicans.

I agree but do they take roids for this sport. That’s what I’m trying to find out.

Ok now I know your lying.

Good. More jobs need to be available to woman so they can work from home.

No way there’s 7 billion women in the world.

If it ain’t at least two nights on the open road it ain’t a road trip. That’s my policy.

Prolly depends on what is considered a date, but I would say like 14 or so. 15 should be the first date where you have to have another date to break up. So 16.


I will get back to you after I read this comment. Don’t have time right now, but so far I think we agree.

I’m saying that even if the army took steroids I don’t think it’s wrong necessarily I’m just wondering if they do hand them out. Do these girls take steroids or not that’s all I’m saying.


Well they should show it for real on TV like how they do with the brain surgeries and all that other gross stuff on the surgery channel or whatever it is.

#include using namespace std; int main () { cout << “Haha, LOL”; return 0; }

Or feel bad for having second thoughts about having one or not having one.

Oh gross I’m not clicking that. Flagged for porn spam to.

Yeah, have you ever been to Drudge or other sites.

Dwayne pls don’t try to frame me as the bad guy. I too think woman have the same abilities as men. I just think that they are usually less happy to get in physical fights, even for money. So why can’t they be taking roids.

Blood sports like UFC come and go all the time though. What was the basketball sport with the trampolines. I think it was Jumpball. Anyways that isn’t the point. I think that roid rage has something to do with the aggression. I just don’t know for sure.