

No Dwayne you said something about shoe shopping which is totally different. This is a job I guess. That’s what your saying. Still though, there are not many woman construction workers even though thats a job.

I think it’s good to see abortions on tv. I think it makes it seem normal so people don’t have to feel so bad for having one.

But you ignored my question. I know it attracts violent guys because there are lots of them but are there enough girls to keep the sport going.

Yeah but not like this. This is just fighting to fight.

Do the girls that fight UFC take male hormones. I can see how to get big with weights and protein, but they are so aggressive too.


I agree with you.

Her cousin? I thought it was her sister.

I watched the apprentice and thought it was good. I liked how it was a reality show, anyways. But to me, I dont’ know if Donald Trump will be a good president.