

And it’s gonna affect already marginalized communities with even more prejudice against them. This episode has so many victims.

Ugh. This is just gonna be more ammo for racists. I’m already worried about the reactions people are gonna have on innocent POCs. I feel pretty bad for the communities that are gonna be affecting by even more prejudice against them now.

The Lions are the only team to go 0-16 and the only team to go 16-0.

Eh, wrong. Your talking to a pretty big Sci Fi geek here. Sorry.

I would love to talk with someone that thinks Star Wars isn’t Sci Fi.

I was looking for a cast with some serious Sci Fi chops and I get a pretty good production with a cast taken straight outta a high school play or something.

Bad Boyz II was awesome.

I just hope this Duggars thing doesn’t affect I Am Cait. Does anyone else watch that? I don’t see anymore articles about it anywhere, ever.

Not a fan of black and white movies.

LOL ok, I think I know my Sci Fi. Thanks though.

Space + Guns = Sci Fi

Forrest Gump won best pic, yeah everyone loves that movie.

You sound like a real Star Wars fan are you?

Probably keep using English words and we’ll be ok I think.

Point Break is basically Bad Boyz II in reverse. I never got why he just had to surf that last wave. I mean he definitely died.

I got what they were saying about the Miliray Industial Complex I just guess, listen when I want to go see a Sci Fi flick I guess this isn’t what I was expecting. I wanted to see some real action and instead I got this bullshit like Mars Attacks but somehow even worse.

But I don’t think it’s cool-dumb like Zoolander or Tropic Thunder, I think it’s dumb-dumb like Point Break or Pulp Fiction.

I can’t tell if that means your against Hillary or not, but I can tell you that you should have said “berned out” instead of “burned out!”

Well I don’t know about that. I just know I love Sci Fi and think this movie is bullshit.