
The extra commission was a given considering the extra time it took him to dream up all those bogus add-ons.

Nobody deserves to be taken advantage of, PERIOD. Your attitude is what scammers use to justify their shitty amoral practices.

I’m surprised no one mentioned that the state sales tax in NJ is 6.625%. Where in the hell did this crook get 8.88%??? Did he think it would bring the buyer good luck?

Unfortunately that doesn’t work in practice, the police union will make sure he gets off on the charges and then he will just start working as a cop again one town over.

Escalate the situation is Step 1 in the How to Cop manual, it seems.

Here, here!  Should be the law of the land.  Zero excuse for a bodycam to be off.

It’s definitely a case where ‘everyone is an asshole’ in this instance. He deserves a citation/fine for being a jerk in traffic, but the cops are being much bigger assholes for lying in their reports about injuries and keeping their body cams off to cover up their lies.

While technically correct, the DAs still have to cater to a lot of police needs so they don’t “accidentally” ruin future cases for them, especially if the right cops are pushing for charges to happen. The police are a legal mafia with loads of court precedence that they know protects just about any bad behavior, so

My take - Arrest the officer for filing a false report and immediately fire him.

The prosecutor doesn’t have to continue with the charges, just because the police want them to.

Golfers are the “independent contractors” of the pro sports world. If he doesn’t make his tee time, he gets booted. It’s so wild that with all the money involved in pro golf, they somehow have a system where the #1 ranked athlete is driving they’re own rental car with no idea what’s going on. I don’t think anyone

This implies the police have any level of self-reflection or even the notion of accepting responsibility for their actions. No major police interaction media says they would ever dare care. 

Does it seem like the police blew this way up for no real reason like they almost always do? Yes.

The fact that the body camera was off should automatically invalidate the arrest.

Soooooo, ACAB as always?

I don’t see any dragging, though the angles are bad enough that maybe it happened while not in view of the camera?

Yep. To the public this looks like an incompetent cop on a power trip.

I’m shocked that they are proceeding with the charges. Between these videos and the officer not turning on his body camera, I don’t see a non embarrassing outcome for the city.

When the cops said the arresting officer’s pants were ruined beyond repair, I assumed that happened during the period he was “dragged for 20 yards” but from these clips, it looks like the cop ruined his pants once someone informed him who he had arrested.

That’s it? All I see is a car calming driving in a drive they were told to use. No high speed chase, running over someone, etc...