While none of these are interesting to me (I’m done with GM after too many poor experiences, I don’t want a pickup or a minivan, and Fuck Elon), it’s good to see the instant credit vs having to float that cash until tax season.
While none of these are interesting to me (I’m done with GM after too many poor experiences, I don’t want a pickup or a minivan, and Fuck Elon), it’s good to see the instant credit vs having to float that cash until tax season.
He looks like he’s ready to cruise the boardwalk at Rehoboth or Bethany beach. That’s the proper getup for Delaware. Hunter looks like a guy who drives a Raptor.
Sky’s out, thighs out, baby.
Yeah got rear ended and called my insurance company and they dispatched a truck. Meanwhile, another one who was listening to the police scanner for wrecks showed up. Officer asked me if I called him and was told him “no”. Cop said it was up to me to use him or not and I decided to wait for the insurance one. Cop…
It is illegal. It’s called extortion. How it’s not being prosecuted as such is unfathomable.
Wasn’t there a show about this or involving the police scanner tow guys? Maybe I am making it up or it was a minor part in something else, but gives me the creeps. Luckily I have never run into one of them.
Straight up extortion.
Feels like a lot of this should be illegal. For example, how is listing another company’s business as your address not fraud?
Yup, last time I was in an accident that needed a tow I called it into AAA and my Insurance and then sat and waited until the truck I was told that was dispatched showed up.
In the interim I said thank you, no, to 5 separate bandit companies who came by with all these claims of “it will cost you less!” um it is…
This is why you call your insurance roadside assistance number, and order the tow THROUGH them. Get the name of the truck, get paperwork that shows that they were dispatched by your insurance, etc.
It’s kinda tragicomic watching this billionaire having a massive tantrum.
Memo to Musk: twitter wont die because advertisers pulled out. Twitter will die because its owner completely and utterly fucked it over.
If advertisers don’t return, Musk said, “what this advertising boycott is going to do is it’s going to kill the company.”
Reverse psychology, big brain.
/s, probably
It does kind of feel like the real reasons for even buying Twitter are poking through the surface of the facade?
Such a stable genius...
Elon is like the head of the KKK trying to explain he doesn't hate black people.
....Imma gonna stop you there. Unless the next words are “be driven courteously and sensibly”, then no. It ain’t suspicious. A Floridacar being driven by Floridaman wildly ranting and hallucinating until it inevitably crashes into a building is the least surprising thing in the world.