
Hey people who don’t use our product. To make sure you aren’t being stalked by our product please download this software we made. Don’t forget to allow the program to use your location, otherwise it wont work right.

Companies are generally myopic to things like this. They can only think of the advantages and overlook how the tech can be abused.

Most products these days when it comes to internet connected devices don’t have much consideration for use case safety. So long as the company can’t be sued because the thing hurt or killed you that’s enough for them.

The solution is to make the tag’s owner registered before it can be used.

Big time. There is literally zero way to make this “safe”. It is that bad.

Companies are generally myopic to things like this. They can only think of the advantages and overlook how the tech can be abused.

It really is. The Apple Reality Distortion Field is in full force regarding these things.

This is a technology so rife with abuse it should never be allowed. It is only going to get worse. Just wait till a serial killer uses this.

Very fitting for a Scat Pack.

YouTube has taught me that you now fill the car with dogshit, glitter and explosives and park it on the porch.

Right? That particular take was frankly stupid.

Regardless of whether that’s true (i.e., it’s actually par,) it’s definitely forced me to re-evaluate what I should expect from this part of the site. This is some Newsmax-level mendacity right here.

Eh...it’s about par for Dirt Bag.

Man, that SatC partnership really hasn’t gone the way Peloton would have hoped.

Jezebel fucking hates Ben Affleck and will take any opportunity to let the world know.

Between this utter failure to conduct a one-minute Google search for Kwan’s credentials and qualifications, and the willful misinterpretation of Ben Affleck’s comments (which seemingly no one in the comments is agreeing with,) it feels especially bad, even by ‘Dirt Bag’ standards.

Yeah, I read it as: “I wasn’t happy in my marriage, I felt trapped/like I couldn’t make the decision to leave, and I drank a bunch.” I can see how it would be interpreted as “I felt trapped by Jennifer Garner”, but I think most reasonable people don’t think that she’s the trapping type.

Michelle Kwan has a degree in International Relations from the University of Denver, a Masters of Law & Diplomacy from Tufts, and worked in the State department for eight years.  She’s absolutely qualified to be an ambassador (and her support of Biden certainly doesn’t hurt).  

Ma’am, you mean Michelle who has a master’s in foreign policy Kwan right? Or Michelle state department advisor Kwan?, or how out Michelle who has served under 2 presidents Kwan? Because even one freaking click to her insta would have informed you that she's qualified. She's spent the last 15 years devoted to politics. 

I’ll never forget the day in 2011 when I got in trouble at a temp job because I spent the day reading the VSB archive instead of working. Good writing should make people mess up at work, and y’all did that. Thank you for all of the years of great writing and inspiration.