Its a bit more complicated than that.
Its a bit more complicated than that.
I mean, I saw a Hellcat in a showroom. But I never saw it move.
-Lordstown’s investors
All Vapor is his new hydrogen vehicle company.
I thought that too, when Hindenburg’s Nikola research came out. It’s worth noting however that pretty much every single thing Hindenburg said about Nikola turned out to be true.
Another inflammatory report by Hindenburg, about how things are blowing up.
Except they would be liable for some nasty lawsuits if they released information that they couldn’t back up somehow
It won’t make a bit of difference. This low-life will thrive on the edge of the law his entire life, grifting and abusing the weak. He will always play the down-on-his-luck family man card and get let off lightly. He doesn’t deserve to be locked up for life but he will never change either.
He certainly comes across as prime sovereign citizen material.
The man told the judge he was sitting in his boss’ vehicle and that he didn’t drive there. He said he didn’t want to appear in court while at someone’s house. He said his boss picks him up and takes him to work.
And also, a little bit, fuck all of us for reading tabloids (or the blogs that reprint tabloid gossip & pics).
It would be nice if Jezebel stopped linking to those same tabloids in Dirt Bag all the time.
I think the concern, both from Amirah and the black community, is regarding the cumulative effects of these seemingly (relatively) innocuous situations. As you say... in this specific case there isn’t a dramatic skin tone difference and the way Amirah describes the situation the make-up artists weren’t even sure they n…
People get confused a bit when it comes to actors because... well.. the whole job is to be something you aren’t... but it’s also just a job.. that we should all have equal opportunity to access. If people are being excluded then we owe it to ourselves to understand why, and if possible, to correct that inequality.
The primary problem is that they didn’t hire a darker-skinned woman. Instead they hired a lighter-skinned woman and altered her to look darker, reinforcing problems in the industry where lighter-skinned people are given more opportunities.
Heh heh reading the headline I knew I’d find a “I don’t get what the big deal is” comment.
I had an interesting Chrysler experience. I had been looking for a new car for my wife for some time. We had a 13yo daughter so a crossover was looking good. After researching, and doing a few test drives, we narrowed down to the new 2004 Chrysler Pacifica. I was impressed with the design, fit and finish. I believe…
The dealer is no longer under the same ownership. Its still there though but under a different name. But It wouldn’t make sense to name the dealer now as it would do a disservice to the current dealership and some could imply that they were the ones that did it. Were they still around I would most definitely name them…
Your mom’s a bad ass for taking these creeps to court. Respect.