
He’s an asshole in a peer group that was at that moment embracing chaos; it’s more striking to me that he was the only one being that aggressive.

Don’t be silly, it’s significantly more likely the kids will find the gun & shoot each other before mom ever gets a chance to defend them w/ it.

You’re almost certainly right about it being stolen. Just an opportunistic dickhead on a bike, slow rolling through parking lots to see whose doors are unlocked & whose brain is small enough they forgot they keep a gun in their car. Grab it & be gone in seconds on the bike.

B/c different groups are financing these very different projects.
Are you bored? Did you already finish your coloring book?

No, they just don’t like you at that restaurant.

I thought it was jeans & sport shoes. That’s why I never take either when I travel abroad.

Man, that’d be a fun, awkward conversation to snoop on. “No, YOUR German is wrong!’

‘They must be laughing at meeeeee’

Close, but not as simian.

American guys typically think A) it’s perfectly fine for men (but not women) to be overweight & B) those culottes hide their extra weight. They’re wrong on both & guys need to understand many women want to see their butts outlined in clingy swim short-shorts.

He’s a ‘good one’, that’s her attitude deep down.

Teutonic Terrorizing Tammy
Swabian Slurring Susie

By bikes, do you mean to tell me he owned bicycles? Are you SURE??

MY god, do you realize this HBO special is over 30 years old now? Wherever it is right now, that jackets stands up on its own.

Please, PLEASE don’t get stoned out in Walled Lake (at a former Christian bookstore) & then haul your ass an hour into Detroit.

Had he been pissed for 2 years or did the accident expose something in his vehicle that made him think the service from before was inadequate? Or perhaps he was a bit mad before & the accident showed him the true depth of the poor repair & that escalated things? I guess we’ll never know why so many gun-owning men in

To them, others ‘act entitled’; where as, they are actually entitled to the thing they want in that moment. Other people are fooling themselves when they do it!

Why do people enter freely into a part store indeed!

I’m guessing you don’t understand how poor & flat-out dumb your narrative was.

This guy looks FAR too well-balanced to be our David.