
Here’s a shot of Ke Huy Quan & his burger that doesn’t give that Nazi rag Daily Fail a click

Due process has become a privilege only earned by complying w/ police & acknowledging you have no right to defend yourself when LEO are involved. You have no right to defend your person, your home or your family when a cop wants you to comply. Let’s all just accept that.

Utah police have never had an unjustified shooting. They’ve never been found to be wrong any of the dozens of times they’ve executed someone outside the court of law.

Yeah, why would you want a pension to support you in your retirement years (decades?) when you can take a single year of pay & return to job-hunting in your late 5os or 60s, competing w/ kids right out of college & experienced in the most recent technology? Boo stability & long-term thinking! Money in hand now,

Like that little boy who was dumped by his kidnappers b/c he wouldn’t stop singing hymns.

Spoken like someone who’s never seen how much more than their salary cops make in overtime.
Anyway, it’s not a service for law enforcement, just for customers in general so your point’s still wrong.

You’re willing to risk permanently damaging whole populations of migrating birds b/c OOO PRETTY?

BeMore’s a troll.

The most important point here is that someone who says others shouldn’t have the right to choose their own medical care chose their own medical care.

Are you talking about in your state? B/c in Michigan, a D&C is how I had an abortion of a perfectly normal, healthy fetus at 7 weeks.

Thank you, Fiber Man!

I will connect at ATL if I can just so I can take a 6 pack home to Utah w/ me.

May I introduce you to Bojangles?

Gung Ho needs a reboot. IJS

A small loan of a million dollars.

More money than sense strikes again.

‘Person Who Had Greater Responsibility Shirked Same to Even Greater Extent’, that’s the point of the article.

He’ll have a tragic fatal accident before long.

The only thing that can stop a bad cop is rich folks. This guy killed a rich or rich-adjacent family member so he got a nice paid vacation & cut loose from LEO protection. Only if he’d been richer would he have ducked accountability.

I feel like driver’s ed should teach us how to kick out a windshield.