
I guess teh Catholic Church isn’t the only entity to move a problem person to another facility, hoping they’ll stop being horrible by doing nothing at all.
He choked that other teacher when he was 5. FIVE. What’s this kid seeing & hearing at home that causes this rage??

If I wasn’t so afraid of the Covidiots going to races these days to exercise their Trump-humping Confederate flag rights, I’d get a foam finger & paint it like a handgun to wave at Kahl every time he drove past.
Are there any non-shit Kyles left in NASCAR?

If that’s what’s going on, a recreational trip might be a bad thing to take to Mexico.

Sure, I could choose not to vacay where I feel it’s so dangerous I must carry military-style bullets, but what fun would that be? Why should *I* be punished for wanting to have cheap, clean fun?

B/c these sick fucks create every possible scenario where they can kill people consequence-free w/o having to go thru the police academy. Press them on it & their heroic/murderous fantasies come pouring out.

I was raised protestant & I always thought an element of repentance was trying not to do the thing you repented of again. I guess Sorry means something else to the Catholic church.

They blow up oil well fires to put them out, right? So stand back & blow up the burning car. Stand realllllly far back. You wanna use the robot for that BIP.

There’s no guarantee it *will*, but COVID can prompt Lyme Disease to kick back in. Super funtimes.

Tiktok is Chinese spyware sewage we line up w/ our mouths open to chug b/c it amuses us.

Some of those who work forces...

I’m mostly white, most of my relatives are white & those that resist discourse like this book are of the mind that since *they* don’t act in a racist manner toward anyone (as far as they’ll acknowledge), they don’t need to think about it. Be a good person! Love everyone like Christ loves us! I never took anything from

There are several great points in your post but the hyperbole that a single word makes anyone a ‘Karen’ is silly. I understood that poster to be making a point comparing the experiences of indigenous folks in the US Vs those in Canada, since the discussion there included pointing out differences btwn the 2 countries RE

Exaggerated & wrong location.

Let’s see; it could become a large cemetery; a crematorium, maybe; an amphitheatre where all the water’s bottled but what goes in the toilets; I’m sure I can think of a few more ways to use a large piece of land no one can safely live on. Oh! When’s the next Republican convention? They should have it here from now on.

Peru’s a little busy right now.

To say that w/o industrial ruins all Detroit, a nearly 325 year old city, would be known for is murders shows an extraordinary level of ignorance.

Just b/c a person’s a ‘public persona’ doesn’t mean they belong to the public or that the public’s entitled to be informed about them.

Conservatives think accusing Paul of being gay will make folks think he’s immoral, b/c that’s what they think of gay men. Hence the tremendous self-loathing that drives gay conservatives to have anonymous, risky & sometimes paid sex.

Is Julia a rich person doing a cool thing that would be bad if poor people did it, or is she just lowkey poor people who can only afford 1 bed & whose apartment has rodents, shouting sour grapes about the homes of the wealthy?

Like someone else wrote upthread, this was him trying to control something he never had any right to control. He thought he was entitled to do this w/o repercussion b/c he’s used to being entitled to do things he wants b/c he wants to do them.