
They’re telling on themselves. If they could get away w/ being a stronger athlete among weaker athletes, they would do it.

I grew up in one atmosphere & live in the other now; both are wretched in their own way, but Mormons are crazy about gender norms. See, you can’t have baby after baby eternally if you’re not born w/ a vagina; & having baby after baby for eternity is every Mormon gal’s stated goal.

I didn’t think about that, but I bet it *is* a burden having to maintain a friendship w/ someone like Ye - especially now. Why should he trust his friend when they had the power to stop the harassment & bullying but wouldn’t? Ye’s like a slightly nicer Trump w/ acknowledged (if deliberately unaddressed) mental health

B/c a muddy shoe in an elementary school lost & found could replace an executive.

Bad takes = engagement & engagement drives ad profit numbers. That’s what it’s all about.

Living in this same house for 11 years, I’ve had 2 packages stolen & when I reported it, police did fuck-all. But I vividly recall the time 2 cops came to my door to ask for permission to go into my backyard so they could see in all my neighbor’s backyards, as a large grill had been stolen down the street. When I

Assault is your first response & not saying, ‘Don’t do that again.’ as you push them away or step away from them? Is it ok to stab them or do you have a limit on how violently you’re prepared to assault someone who kisses your cheek w/o permission?

Think they would have taken his call if it’d been a 2009 Focus SE?

Agreed. I think tattooing where her kids are from on her arm has evolved in meaning over her life as a mom & it’s ultimately a great reminder that they didn’t pop up from nowhere into her life. She must remember where they came from & support them in doing so themselves.

*golf clap*

There’s a site called Racist Receipts & lordy, they are on it. Posts from years back.

Do not, under any circumstances, reply to the poster you may see above me named either Kevin or Irishiz, they’re a frequent racist troll on social media. Hopefully my flagging them has taken care of it.

Sick indeed.

I’m afraid people like you don’t hear how ridiculous they sound when they say things like this.

If she was anymore of a wannabe royal hanger-on, she’d have stretched to twice her height by now.

Not that I advocate living in fear, but if you’re a girl who’s not yet reached age of majority in a state that limits abortion at all, you should stay home until you are an adult by that state’s standards. Though of course, you can still be attacked & impregnated in your home by men who break in or that also live

Just as it’s designed to do. It may not be what it’s claimed to do, but in practice that’s what it does & enough people in power are happy w/ it so it won’t change. Poor people staying poor is what they need & enjoy. Upward mobility only threatens their monopoly so they’re not about to enable it w/ their actions -

All of it’s ridiculous & dumb as far as I’m concerned; they take them ostensibly for training purposes but really they’re just making their own gory porn; I’ve caught glimpses of dead women whose clothes no longer covered everything, shall we say, due to the impact or treatment of their injuries. That was the final

Or those folks who are trapped in payday loans secured by their vehicles. Can’t pay bills w/o working, can’t work w/o car. They get further & further behind until their credit’s trashed when they could have simply bit the bullet & filed bankruptcy like US businesses do at the drop of a hat. But we’ve convinced people

It’s no lie that firefighters take photos like that, all the firefighters I’ve known (including military) have had them to share around. I found it horrible then & it’s still horrible, b/c are you kidding me?? These folks don’t/can’t give their consent to have their picture taken & you just HAVE to be able to look